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I was out of state until yesterday. Because of this, I missed my rent payment. No big deal, I've never been late before, so I drop the check in the night drop box plus what I think the late fee is.

On my way back to my apt I check my mail and see a 3 day pay or vacate notice. Again, no big deal...My rent is paid. However, upon further inspection I notice the stated rent due is exactly $152 dollars less than what I've been paying.

This cant be right, right? I decide to take a peak at my lease i signed and what do you know? I'm a fucking moron. I'm not sure what I hate more, the fact that for whatever reason I thought my rent was more than it actually was, or the fact that my manager hasn't mentioned anything to me.

I've been here for 8 months so I should have at least 1 free month. We'll see tomorrow...

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that instruction video is hilarious. no need to do all them crazy exercises or buy that overpriced hippie shit. and you can get a ghetto ass pot at cvs for like 8 bucks. does the same damn thing. put a little salt in, tilt your head, works like magic. easy peasy. clutch for allergies/colds/flu. better than any nasal spray (and much less harmful).

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I ate so much today and I wanna go to the gym

but I gotta leave by 10:40 tomorrow

which would mean I would have to get up at like, 8 to get at least an hour and a half in.

fuck that.

hate schedules.

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i need to wake max at 7 tomorrow.

i totally agree with you guys.

schedules, especially early ones.

suck hard.

i feel so confused when i gotta wake that early, it fucks my day up, my "inside" clock whatever doesn't work on that schedule

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I hate people who refuse to get up early to enjoy a nice day. I love waking up early to smoke and then go biking or hiking (the former strictly solo ATM) or even things more along the lines of going shopping or getting breakfast/lunch. If it is for something that I enjoy, my attitude is pretty get up and go.

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  Gravitas said:
I hate people who refuse to get up early to enjoy a nice day. I love waking up early to smoke and then go biking or hiking (the former strictly solo ATM) or even things more along the lines of going shopping or getting breakfast/lunch. If it is for something that I enjoy, my attitude is pretty get up and go.

Summertime, hit me up. I'll be up early. Toke toke toke.

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  Gravitas said:
I hate people who refuse to get up early to enjoy a nice day. I love waking up early to smoke and then go biking or hiking (the former strictly solo ATM) or even things more along the lines of going shopping or getting breakfast/lunch. If it is for something that I enjoy, my attitude is pretty get up and go.

totally agree. if i wake after 9am i feel like i have wasted my day.

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How I don't have a job.

How when I wake up at 10 am to go buy myself breakfast, the "pimp" on the corner makes kissy noises at me and I have to hock-a-loogie to get him to shut up.

How the grocery store doesn't have any blueberry muffins.

How I don't have any money.

Oh, and how I've had that Q Lazarus song from The Silence Of The Lambs stuck in my head since saturday. GOOD BYEEE HORRSEESS..... I'M FLYIN' OVERRR YOUUU

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  nicotine said:
I hate the NY weather forecast for this week, working 10 hour shifts 5 days a week, waking up early, chipped nail polish, coffee with too much sugar in it, poorly rolled sushi, my hair, Garden City, parking lots, gas stations at 8:30AM.



is what I am.

I worked in garden city for two years (shiver). that place is terrifying and worthy of all the spite the world can aim in its direction.

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i hate my lack of a good job

though that's gonna be over soon as on the the first of june i will finally have a full time job again woohoo proper pay

though it depresses me that i probably won't have much free time during summer :(

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watch out for fucking "Antivirus System Pro"...shit will crash your computer, I'm surprised I can even use mine now, no clue how it infected my system, prolly from damn spore chan streaming video in korny azn gurlz thread, but anyways you have been warned!

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  aho said:
watch out for fucking "Antivirus System Pro"...shit will crash your computer, I'm surprised I can even use mine now, no clue how it infected my system, prolly from damn spore chan streaming video in korny azn gurlz thread, but anyways you have been warned!

lol i hate viruses that do that shit. i had one awhile back that rendered my hd useless. had to get a completely new one

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  aho said:
watch out for fucking "Antivirus System Pro"...shit will crash your computer, I'm surprised I can even use mine now, no clue how it infected my system, prolly from damn spore chan streaming video in korny azn gurlz thread, but anyways you have been warned!

Ahhhh...... The spawn of satan. It installs itself without your knowledge (disguised as a typical pop-up). My comp. was rebooting frequently; going to random porno sites (porn is cool every now and then, but damn!); and doing other weird shit. These sites would pop up even when I entered a different address. It even shut down my anti-virus software, and prevented me from accessing sites where I could download new software. .Sooo much fun! A recommended experience.

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Waiting at home for a delivery, going out to the store quick and coming home to see the fucking slip on your door saying no one answered the door. 2 people are home and a car is in the the driveway...fucking asshole didn't knock or ring the doorbell. This happens FAR to often, and gets me pissed because I could have saved myself a trip to the post office later tonight if they had just knocked on the door.

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