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  Servo2000 said:
It's really not. I'm all about text messages. As far as I'm concerned if it can't be conveyed in two text messages it isn't worth saying over the phone anyway. We can speak in person and we're all better for it.

+1 agreed (on the bolded part)

i dont know why the city i live in has reduced communication strictly to texting. dont know if this is anywhere else, but shit is balls.

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trying to avoid taking a crap at school , than realizing you cant hold it so you run to the closest bathroom which also happens to be the one with highest traffic. the toilets are all covered in semi-dried sticky piss, so you spend about 3 minutes whipping that off. when you finally pop a squat you get distracted by the every 10 seconds, opening and closing squeaking from un-greased hinge of the door. the squeaking bothers you so much that you "cut" your crap too early causing you to have to wipe tonnns of shiiiet off your butthole. i hateee pooping at school.

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nut ass man mans that be buyin their furniture from overstock, while stuntin' like they kopped up from west elm or room and board. BITCH, you can even spell room and board without control F.

PLIES, dat muthafucka should just choke himself. seeyuhslee.

boars head meat? wtf, why you gotta charge 7 bux for a sangy, when dietz and watson got em for 5.

people who smoke loosies. damn bro, times are that tuff, you gotta pay 10 dollars for a pack a ports, as opposed to a nickel?

sasha fierce, i hate dat dumb bitch. a diva what? frank white will shit on you and you will LUV IT!@!!@@@

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  juliaN. said:
yeah the urge to take a crap in public sucks

thank god for hong kong's close proximity to everything, if i absolutely gotta do it out in the streets, i usually walk on over to the Four Seasons lobby bathroom next to the IFC. Anything less would be uncivilized.

i remember in high school i was out with some friends and eventually one had to use the bathroom, he ended up going into the lobby bathroom of the fairmont. so we waited for him outside, then we see him rushing out of the hotel with a like mischievous/gleeful/panic look in his face. and he is all 'lets get out of here i accidentally clogged it.' so, yeah, very uncivilized

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  samsikle said:
i was without a phone for two weeks while i was on holiday. it was pretty nice.. when i got back home i was like fuck, this is kind of weird.
  sleazie ninja number 47 said:
Are you 18 YET?

believe it or not, there are some places in the world that don't have phone reception. i've been to a couple myself and i'm not that well travelled.

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I drop them deuces at hotels in the greater Seoul area too. Used to be that Starbucks or the Coffee Bean, or one of the better department stores would get you by, but nowadays all kinds of riff raff be usin my toilets.

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Starbucks in Hong Kong don't have toilets, weird considering Shanghai SBs got em

oh well if they did they'd probably be a mess anyway. Starbucks toilets only good in real small quiet places with relatively low traffic like Ann Arbor. Even the one at Borders was a mess.

the two most "upscale" malls in HK, IFC and Elements, have the nastiest all access public toilets ever for a five star shopping center.

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girls who say they don't get along with girls blah blah blaaah.

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  juliaN. said:
Starbucks in Hong Kong don't have toilets, weird considering Shanghai SBs got em

I wrote my senior thesis in cultural anthropology on the exact subject. WEIRD!

oh well if they did they'd probably be a mess anyway. Starbucks toilets only good in real small quiet places with relatively low traffic like Ann Arbor. Even the one at Borders was a mess.

WHY would 1 even go to a SB in AA, when all them Theta bitches be at Rendezvous CAFE?

the two most "upscale" malls in HK, IFC and Elements, have the nastiest all access public toilets ever for a five star shopping center.

I shat in IFC once cuz the driver couldnt take me to airport so I had to go thru mall, with my luggage and shit. does that make sense? I think I saw sixth sense there too.

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Damn Scott? Is this all about the same fucking girl you been moaning on about since (probably) before I joined here? What is the deal man? Head over to superconfessional, I need more info to feed my drama addiction*

*I'm serious, not being facetious.

Meanwhile, you're right on the money jeepster. I hate whiney fucks who project their emotional black-hole onto the internet without explanation and then neg-rep you for telling them to fucking man up.


I only added the razor bit after the neg-rep. More of a suggestion than a response.

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