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shit you hate


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  headcoat said:
I hate people who talk about their cats online. Its as annoying as co-workers showing you baby photos of their uglyass kids. All cats are identically cunty and are devoid of personality or charm.

Get a dog.

planning on it, but for now i'm okay having two animals that shit in an easy to locate and dump out box-instead of all of the yard, or in our neighbors yard. not to mention my cats don't eat or roll around in their own/or any other cats shit.

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  salaryman said:
I hate when people put their dogs in clothes. Especially when the clothes are way too tight and the dog can barely walk, and it has a look on its face like "why the fuck am I wearing this? yeah, I know it looks ridiculous, ask this fucking guy why he bought it."

on queen street i saw a guy chasing after his chihuahua (which was wearing a sweater) saying "tina come back". true story.

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mister-fucking-pretender, I'd like you to know right now that if I go into the Bloomingdales tomorrow and all the CPs in my size are gone because of you, I will have little recourse but to hunt you down and take what is rightfully mine.

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Getting declined from purchasing air tickets from carriers that operate out of the US... then having to call the CC company to authorize it.

Oh, and airlines that don't accept American Express as payment.

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  geekbonchic said:
mister-fucking-pretender, I'd like you to know right now that if I go into the Bloomingdales tomorrow and all the CPs in my size are gone because of you, I will have little recourse but to hunt you down and take what is rightfully mine.

Be careful out there....


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i would say i hate haters, but then 'it might not be right if they dont hate me'.

so right now i hate humid ass weather. boo.

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  dolly said:
girls who can't walk in heels, but wear them anyway.


  Clopek said:
women who wear high heels but can't walk in them

you can be a fucking ten with legs to here and the best tits on the planet. if you cant walk in those things you might as well be a fat chick clomping along on rollerblades.

way to rip off my shit you hate post, jeeez clopek.

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