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Long distance running saved my life...


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just signed up for my second half marathon, hoping to beat my 1:54 from last year. shouldnt be too hard, it was like 40 degrees when i had that time

does anybody run barefoot? sounds absurd but i read that its way better for your feet/body etc. im thinkin of tryin it out at the 7 mi provincial park track near my city this weekend

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They're good but might try something different next time..

I returned these after 10 miles or so in them, they just sucked too narrow in the toe box for some reason. And yes I know how to properly size my running shoes. On another note I recently went back to nike after abandoning them last year gonna see how they hold up.

My running schedule's been kinda strange lately I go 10 on mon, 8 tues, 7 wed, 6 thur, 5 fri, and then bang out 3 on Sat and call it a week... I like how I dwindle down throughout the week and then fire it up again on monday morning.

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  • 3 weeks later...

nike lunar rejuven8 - these are soooo light and weightless and the mesh is perfect.

anyone have these? i think for runners who cant handle the weird barefoot vibe of the free's should def consider this

dont know how theyd measure up for long periods of use though?

might kop after my free's die


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just signed up for my second half marathon, hoping to beat my 1:54 from last year. shouldnt be too hard, it was like 40 degrees when i had that time

does anybody run barefoot? sounds absurd but i read that its way better for your feet/body etc. im thinkin of tryin it out at the 7 mi provincial park track near my city this weekend

I recently read a book "Born To Run" by Christopher McDougall. Its a true story about an ancient tribe in Mexico I believe, that cut itself off from modern civilization. They happen to be the fastest runners on the planet and they do not wear any shoes. He goes on to explain that any leaps in footwear that Nike or Puma or any other shoe has made has done nothing to make people faster, in fact the more cushioning and futuristic springs etc it seems the more injuries have increased. I think his argument is that the shoes give your feet an unatural arch. He advocates barefoot running as the only way to do it.

Since the publication of the book barefoot running has increased. I see people at my local park who dont wear shoes. Its weird to see to say the least but I heard it really works. Im not sure if its for me, but then again Ive never tried it and probably wont. I dunno might be mental on my part.

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^^^It seems reasonable to me that not wearing shoes could reduce injury--after all, I see so many runners with absolutely atrocious mechanics which are entirely enabled by the massive cushioning shoes they're wearing. On the other hand, I don't necessarily buy the argument that running barefoot can make one faster. I also see barefoot runners occasionally, and while their mechanics are noticeably better, they're generally running pretty slowly (this too might influence their improved form now that I think of it).

In other news, I'm back in the saddle again. I fell off badly from running 35 miles per week last summer, to about 10-15 in the fall, and eventually to none by February. I'm working my way back up again though, and have clocked about a month straight of 25+ mile weeks. I always keep a 2 shoe rotation--for a while it was the Brooks Adrenaline and Asics Gel Nimbus. Recently (and going against my entire life history) I've become a believer in Nike. I've been running in Vomeros and Lunar Glides. The Vomero 3s are solid as hell, and have held up, which is the typical knock on Nikes. The Lunar Glides are newer, maybe 75-80 miles on them, but I'm digging them. I like that the forefoot feels roomy without feeling sloppy. We'll see how they stand up.

Keep it moving fellas.

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  • 1 month later...

does anybody have a good marathon training program they could swing my way??? i am just starting to get back into some longer running 30-40km a week and figured maybe it was finally time to try and do a marathon....any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

i found this website (http://www.ameliaburton.com.au/2009/08/the-worlds-simplest-marathon-training-plan.html) and so i have been basing my running on their distances, is that a reasonable sort of plan???

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Can someone show me a good link on a good running technique? I have gotten very out of shape and put on weight that I'm trying to lose so I figured starting to run is the best thing to do, but I don't think my technique is right and I don't want to cause injuries. Should I just try to build up my distance everyday?

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Can someone show me a good link on a good running technique? I have gotten very out of shape and put on weight that I'm trying to lose so I figured starting to run is the best thing to do, but I don't think my technique is right and I don't want to cause injuries. Should I just try to build up my distance everyday?

Not particularly sure about technique, but a short search turned up this one:


just maybe try running in shorts! haha :)

In terms of distance, depending on how long its been since you have last run i would start small. Maybe running 4-5km 3 times a week, and then slowly build up. The experts say you should never increase your totally weekly km by more than 10% so try and follow that and you should be fine.

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anyone here have low arches and overpronation issues? my feet are really flat and I've been running in serious motion control shoes (brooks addiction) with additional arch supports for a long time, but I want to try something a little lighter. The only problem is that other shoes feel really flimsy compared to the addiction. have people had good experiences switching to lighter, more flexible shoes?

also, in case it matters, I've been running for over 10 years and am pretty serious, but I'm looking to move up from track and 5k to 10k and half marathon races.

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Purchased Nike LunarGlide+ 2 today. A few questions... does anyone own a pair and can give me a quick review? Also, I have a 10K race in Atlanta on the 4th of July. Is it smarter to just wear the shoes I have been running in for months (Nike Torch 4) or is it safe to run in these shoes with very little break in...with expectation on running a bit before the race of course.

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I did a half marathon for the first time about a week ago. It was inside on a treadmill, though, so it hardly counts. Just wanted to give it a go.

Had never really ran farther than 8 or so miles at one time (don't really run for distance, more for fitness)

Mostly just got bored, didn't have any real physical issues. Legs got a bit tired the last couple miles, but not bad. My last mile was actually the fastest (bored).

Was about 1 hour 55 minutes. Could have pushed myself more, but whatever.

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I wouldn't race that far in a pair of shoes without at least a weak of experience with them... that's just personal preference though. Unless it's a really short race, I wouldn't want to risk the potential discomfort of a new pair of shoes.

I will wear them for about a week before the race so I'll see whats up with em before Sunday.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This weekend ran the Peachtree Roadrace 10K in 52 mins. I wasnt going for an amazing time or anything, but this was my first 10K and Im very satisfied with my time. The race is the biggest 10K in the country with about 52,000 people running this year. I finished like 5000 something. Im sure if you take out the time it took to dodge 1000 or so slow runners and walkers I wouldve easily made it under 50 mins. All in all it was a great experience and Im thinking of doing another 10K or two before going for the half marathon.

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Anyone run with weights? Been thinking about it, don't know how to approach. Is a weighted backpack a terrible idea?

I have never run with weights and i don't really think it would be such a smart idea. If you did do some thorough research and speak to some people in the know, my only suggestion would be to look at maybe getting those ankle weights you can attach to your legs but i would be very cautious running with a weighted backpack

what kind of stretching do you guys do pre/post run? i'm always too tired after my run to stretch a lot

I totally know the feeling, normally i don't do any pre run stretching but after i try and sit down and do all the major leg muscles, so hamstrings, calfs, groin, glutes etc for like 5-10 mins but if your running a lot, people suggest spending a couple of minutes every day stretching and you will feel the difference

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Anyone run with weights? Been thinking about it, don't know how to approach. Is a weighted backpack a terrible idea?

surely is a bad idea cuz it changes your natural way of running and thus might easily get injured. same thing is why you shouldn't run when your ankle hurts or sth because you just run different......

thats why i am always a bit sceptical when somebody is trying to change the own running style. i mean, you've been walking like that for ages... your body is used to it... if you do overpronate or sth just get a proper diagnosis, shoes and individual insoles... but maybe thats just me..

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what is nike +? is it the thing you put in your shoe and it syncs with your watch to tell u how far u've run?

Yeah thats my understanding of it.

Hey does anyone have Nike + running & want to sync systems for challanges, goals, shittalk etc? Maybe start a Sufu group on it? LMK.

Sorry dude, brooks all the way unfortunately!

anyone here from melbourne, and thinking about doing the melbourne marathon???

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My goal is to run a marathon this December. Can anyone recommend me programs to prepare myself? I'm a treadmill 2mi a day kind of guy.

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what is nike +? is it the thing you put in your shoe and it syncs with your watch to tell u how far u've run?

Yes, its a small device you put in or on your shoes (about 20 bucks, 30 for the ipod nano kit) but you dont have to buy the watch. The watch is only for people who dont run with ipods. If you have an ipod it automatically syncs with your ipod or iphone. It tells you the calories you've burned, your pace and your milage. After youve run, you hook it up to your computer and it keeps an online log, you can make schedules of when and where to run, see what your friends have run, start a challange and it keeps your progress, tells you how fast your fastest mile is fastest 5k or 10k marathon etc... Its actually very usefull and makes me want to run even more. But, I only have a few friends who use it and Im sure it would be allot more fun with more people.

Yeah thats my understanding of it.

Sorry dude, brooks all the way unfortunately!

anyone here from melbourne, and thinking about doing the melbourne marathon???

Also, its ok if you dont have Nike + shoes. there is an extension you can purchase (about 10 bucks) you can put on any shoe laces and it does the exact same thing. You do have to either run with the ipod or the Nike + watch tho.

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Yes, its a small device you put in or on your shoes (about 20 bucks, 30 for the ipod nano kit) but you dont have to buy the watch. The watch is only for people who dont run with ipods. If you have an ipod it automatically syncs with your ipod or iphone. It tells you the calories you've burned, your pace and your milage. After youve run, you hook it up to your computer and it keeps an online log, you can make schedules of when and where to run, see what your friends have run, start a challange and it keeps your progress, tells you how fast your fastest mile is fastest 5k or 10k marathon etc... Its actually very usefull and makes me want to run even more. But, I only have a few friends who use it and Im sure it would be allot more fun with more people.

Also, its ok if you dont have Nike + shoes. there is an extension you can purchase (about 10 bucks) you can put on any shoe laces and it does the exact same thing. You do have to either run with the ipod or the Nike + watch tho.

Oh right, well i definitely run with my ipod so i might have to go out and get one. I will have a look online and next payday i shall get involved! Ill let you know when i have got it all sorted out and we can play...

My goal is to run a marathon this December. Can anyone recommend me programs to prepare myself? I'm a treadmill 2mi a day kind of guy.

I am currently using this one...


really simple and straight forward, as the title suggests, but i have been seeing good results, currently in week 5...

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^very cool.

If you dont have a Nike+ capable shoe...here are a few options you can use without having to purchase Nikes.

http://lacelid.com/ these only cost 5 bucks and they clip on to any shoes lace

http://www.switcheasy.com/products/Runaway/Runaway.php here's the switch easy. Its weather proof, secure and only 9 bucks

http://podophile.com/2006/07/14/shoe-hacker-nikeipod-sport-kit-shoe-mod/ in case you dont want to do either of the above a blogger has shown a way to do it with a piece of velcro here.

Personally, I have Nike+ shoes that I use the Nike+ sensor in, so I cant vouch from personal experience on any of the mods, but I have freinds who use it and dont seem to have a problem at all.

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^very cool.

If you dont have a Nike+ capable shoe...here are a few options you can use without having to purchase Nikes.

http://lacelid.com/ these only cost 5 bucks and they clip on to any shoes lace

http://www.switcheasy.com/products/Runaway/Runaway.php here's the switch easy. Its weather proof, secure and only 9 bucks

http://podophile.com/2006/07/14/shoe-hacker-nikeipod-sport-kit-shoe-mod/ in case you dont want to do either of the above a blogger has shown a way to do it with a piece of velcro here.

Personally, I have Nike+ shoes that I use the Nike+ sensor in, so I cant vouch from personal experience on any of the mods, but I have freinds who use it and dont seem to have a problem at all.

oh man the nike site is a fucking nightmare, might have to go into the store and grab one......

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anyone here have low arches and overpronation issues? my feet are really flat and I've been running in serious motion control shoes (brooks addiction) with additional arch supports for a long time, but I want to try something a little lighter. The only problem is that other shoes feel really flimsy compared to the addiction. have people had good experiences switching to lighter, more flexible shoes?

also, in case it matters, I've been running for over 10 years and am pretty serious, but I'm looking to move up from track and 5k to 10k and half marathon races.

I'd suggest maybe the Saucony Grid Stabil (motion control), or Omni 9 (high stability). Omni's gonna be lighter and a little more flexible. You might be able to go with the New Balance 850 (high stability) as well. Pretty hard to tell without seeing what your gait actually looks like. I work in a running shoe hence the small bit of knowledge.

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