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The Evolution of Jeans: Pictures, Scones and Tea

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Cross post from Imperial thread:

Just snapped some shots of my younger brother's SEXI04s before repairs. He wore these almost every day for at least 1.5 years, and never washed them. I had to wash them three times just to get them to not smell too bad to bring in for repairs. Even though they look amazing, all the damage he incurred is the best case I've seen for why it makes sense to wash your jeans when they get gross. Also, you know, the stench.




And if anyone is into buying worn jeans, I think he's going to be putting them up for sale once the repairs are finished. He's not wearing skinny cuts anymore.

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to those concerned:

the burn hole in the right stacks of my lvc47's was neither acid nor motorcycle related, rather i dropped a cigarette that landed in my stacks and was too drunk to notice until a fairly larger hole had formed.

either way thank you for the rep

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to those concerned:

the burn hole in the right stacks of my lvc47's was neither acid nor motorcycle related, rather i dropped a cigarette that landed in my stacks and was too drunk to notice until a fairly larger hole had formed.

either way thank you for the rep

the burnhole on my foreskin was drunkrelated,i dropped a fag that landed on my best piece and was too drunk to notice until a fairly large hole had formed.went to the tattooshop and had it filled with some really nice stainless craftwork.gives me pleasure now and then.

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Hey guys! How's it going, haven't really posted anything up in a while so here are the current pair of jeans i'm wearing. Some s710 size 29 and have been worn since the end of April. Soaked twice at the beginning to rid of some shrinkage and soaked again at the end of summer for fun. These aren't exactly the best pictures I could have taken, but my friend and I were in a rush.







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