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The Evolution of Jeans: Pictures, Scones and Tea

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I haven't been wearing that much denim since the FC contest ended, but if I was, it was these Denime Kyoto. 3-4 days/week since March but they had some wear before that. Washed about once a month I think. Other than some unraveling and breaking on the hem stitches these haven't needed any repairs








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What is it about Knugget's fullcounts that you guys prefer to his samurais? Just curious. I think both pairs look really good, but the samurais seem much further along compared to the fullcounts. Just wondering if you could elaborate on your opinion.

both pairs are indeed good, but i like the subtleness of the fc. The color on the Fc has a nice hue on it and isn't too bombastic for my taste. but that doesn't mean i totally oppose "contrasty" jeans.

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Awesome sammies, pat!


Old Selvage model from 2006, worn for almost 2 years - washed about 10 times.



should i remove the back pocket stitching?



It appears the washing frequently reduces the stiffness of the denim and the combs don't seem to be as defined as others who don't wash


close up of the kaihara selvage


patched my crotch 3 times, there's even some flannel i've used there


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BSPs at around 9 months. Two soaks, one wash.



the vertical falling is particularly eye-catching, I think.


Not gonna lie, I wasn't too excited about the progress of these before their first wash. Even after a soak at 7 months, there wasn't much going on. But then, I decided it was time for a good cleaning, and BAM! now they're really coming alive.

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time to contribute; family portait

from left to right

- Skull 5010 6X6 15 months of wear (retired)

- Fullcount 1108 contest big 13 months of wear

- Warehouse 660 _ 5 months of wear



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