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The Evolution of Jeans: Pictures, Scones and Tea

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look 3 posts up your question is already answered...

  starian said:
Hey sidneylo those are some wicked honey combs

Care to show some fit pics?


  Biff15 said:
get on the waywt thread... search a few pages back... you'll find Sidney in them...
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Yo I'm in HK... going to Edmond up this place asap.

As for the hair and jeans, we'll see. They're taking a beating and probably will take a nice trip to the tailor to restitch some soft spots with poly/cotton thread... otherwise they will either be up for display or worn on and off until i find a better use for them.

I got some old fit pics of dem jeans I'll post here so you don't have to go searching...




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What does sydneylo and co do to make their jeans fade so well ? Do they skate or something ?

Even wearing them all day every day doesn't produce huge fades on even fairly light selvage denim. I'd love to know what they're doing looks like it would be fun judging by their jeans!

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Evisu one-wash "Choose Pocket", Lot 0001 Kamon Flower rivet

..with, erm, nothing chosen for the back pocket design.

(sorry about stretching the tables a bit..;))

I bought these just over a year ago; they've probably had about eight to nine months of solid wear since then. I haven't spared them - they've been through a big cleanup and move, the birth of my son, all sorts of stuff...they've held up really well. They've been washed twice, at six and eight months. They weren't raw when I got them, but were pretty close....looked like one-wash, as they were soft and furry but still very deep indigo. The vertical lines that look like marks from a spin-cycle were a *feature* when I bought them, but I felt they'd work out all right in the end. I haven't seen the kamon flower rivet design on any other evisus, but I like it. They're a pretty loose fit, so I was surprised to get any honeycombs at all (though as you can see they're quite muted). I love these jeans.





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