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Posts That Suck


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There being no yin counterpart to the 'favorite superfuture quotes' yang (that i could find, at least), here is a thread for those posts that annoy, aggravate, or irritate you; that spew chunks of steaming stupid; or just plain outright suck.

i'll kick it off with the following nobrainer from superdenim

more than my initial disapointment in a noob like Noddy is the endorsement by the(Perhaps formerly) esteemed dr. doublering. ive learned so much from him(i pm'd him today telling him so) and i feel a darkness in my chest when i hear some one of such assumed acumen and discernment cosigning on this bullshit. the smart man learns from his mistakes, but the wise man learns from both his mistakes and others. no disrespect(the student in most cases should not disrespect the "scholar"), but im disapointed at best. i dont know who to take from anymore. if i live near a beach, and i take a swim in my jeans once every so often, thats natural. if i wear them for a lot of consecutive days, thats natural for me( most of us do that). but to obviously endorse artificial abrasion methods(some actually worse than what noddy proposed)shows that the scholar and the purist are not always one in the same...:confused: :(:mad:
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^^au contraire. this probably sucked more..... ah, the memories (sorry for all the words, cureOne--added some bold to help you since u no read gud).

see, the only guys who dislike my fit are the ones who i never notice/ heard about on here before until now, not even one member of substance. you people often mistake good sizing for good fit, and are probably just envious of my dior, apc, and number nine pieces.
i'm just picking a random comment out of this whole circle-jerk. concluding that noone of substance dislike my fit doesn't mean that they like it - it just mean that they don't dislike it or are indifferent to it. since you guys are so deluded by this whole fashion thing, let me tell you a thing or two about style. fashion isn't about individuality, it's all about popculture/capitalism, so don't fool yourself otherwise. you are so deeply influenced by your frame of references and unconscious thoughts that you don't even realize it. so don't bring your self-righteous attitude and think that you know what's up, since you're arguing with a scholar here.

as for my nike shoes, i wear them because i walk A LOT, and they're the most comfortable shoes ever. in another social context, another environment, noone would say anything about those nike's. but since you're all into this group-think self -righteous fashion-guru thing, and the style didn't conform to your expectation, you shot it down. i guess i would be pissed too if i invest a small fortune in a style and someone come and sport it the "wrong" way. you're no different from the ignorant, dickridding laypeople, who you think you are a step above.

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dont you know you can click on the arrows viewpost.gif in the quoted post to be redirected to same for said neg-repping?

next level... its like those x-rated video games you find at dive bars, you know, when you try to point out the differences between two similar photos, and you cant get the last dissimilar item, and times running out, and then when it finally does run out, you see that the chick is missing a nipple. yeah.

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