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You don't hear about many successful people in this world (musicians and creative gays excepted) that smoke on a regular basis, or even at all.


i'm not dissagreeing with what you said, but that's a pretty large list of succesful people who either do smoke weed, or have smoked weed

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I completely understand and agree with what you say, however I must contend that your perception of weed differs greatly from the masses. As far as I can tell, most people don't perform proactive tasks whilst smoking. Despite the drugs inherent ability to make such tasks more pleasurable and even easier to do, generally people do not view marijuana as a vessel to do tasks by. Instead, it's used as a form of escape (as Zubin stated), or in some party connotation. As such, people who become habitual weed smokers rarely witness the actual benefits of the drug's incorporation into daily life, and instead fall into typical stoner behaviors.

So many people have a preconceived notion about "what to do" while high, and most of them get it wrong. No one is going to become a renowned scientist or successful musician sitting at home watching Hulu and eating cake. Sadly, that is what many (I barely hesitate to say most) weed smokers do and get caught up in.

Basically, niggaz just gotta get they shit on lock, and learn to man up to their responsibilites -- with or without weed. I will take with.

DD got it on lock. It started out fun, became habit forming, then just became destructive.

Of course weed makes things better, but only to a certain point. When its day after day for 6 years (18-24) and then you realize you've got nothing to show for it except disappointment and laziness, it gets real old.

im sure i will smoke again at some point of my life, but not multiple times a day, or even daily for that matter. Everything is good in moderation. When it becomes a habit, its not good any more

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since you know marijuana's problems however, can't you adjust your habits to do something constructive? it all becomes about your will power then; it's up to the individual user to determine how the drug will really affect a person. you can't argue that the general masses still succumb to the drug because you are citing yourself for your argument.

i guess though it really just comes down to choosing between changing how you act when you smoke or smoking at all, if your smoking behavior is negative

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zubes - i feel ya brah. i rly do.

personally, my relationship with weed always goes best when we take time off every month or so, to pursue other hobbies, see other people, etc etc. that said, October is my off month and i'm not the least bit sad. i look forward to every month i take off with the same ferver as every month i get back on. it feels more like a treat or reward, as opposed to something automatic. u don't ever wanna feel like a robot, ye?

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jeepster aren't you from CT?

if so, what kind of shit do you get

around where I live, weed is fucking expensive cause kids have money and are stoopz. I hate buying, and I never try too, but we get all sorts of stuff down here. Like, any and every drug passes through my town.

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as a fairly non religious person i hold feynman in a similar regard as most people do....jesus christ.

actually now that ive had this big realization i remember the chapter of Surely Youre Joking where he talks about smoking weed and going into a sensory deprivation chamber

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Dear Marijuana,

You and I have been companions for the past six years. I have done almost everything with you by my side. There hasnt been one day in which we have not hung out. Most days we would hang out 3-4 times a day.

I cant do this anymore. Everytime i hang out with you, i find myself just a lazy mess. Hanging out with you has made me dull, boring and unmotivated. I always pay when we want go hang out, and i just cant do it anymore. I have tried so hard to have you in my life and still be productive, but to no avail.

For awhile i can say i truly loved you. You were always there for me when i needed to escape. I escaped so much i lost track of where i was going or who i even was. I have become what i hated because of you. I defended you whenever someone badmouthed you and would always be at your side.

Being with you so much has strained many relationships i hold dear: my parents, gf and most importantly: myself. I am not who i want to be because of you. I thought i needed you every day, but i dont. I am sorry MJ, but this is the end.

We can no longer hang out. I have to move on. I am not 18 anymore, and i cant keep acting the way i did when i was a freshman in college. The party has been over for a while.


great. if others choices in smoking devices got you so hot and bothered before i can't imagine how unreasonably bitchy (adjective chosen strategically, you pussy) you're going to get about stupid things now that you're not smoking weed anymore.

maybe if you decide to change your mind you can smoke out of your own vagina:



(i was thinking about posting this in the next level shit thread)

and i still want to rub my cock on your face. fagoot.

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