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  jeepster said:
it takes a good deal to get you to trip. normally to have a 15-20 trip i smoke 2g's, but thats of like 10x or 15x. you have to build up to it, just like smoking. the more you do it, the more its effective.

yeah i know, i just didnt care enough for the little i did feel to want to try anymore. the stuff tastes like fish food smells, sticks to anything and everything, and sort of made my stomach/insides uneasy. that and the high i did get felt like this semi-uncomfortable magnetizing feeling.. i only wanted to look this one direction because it felt like parts of me were being pulled that way, as if by a magnet.

long story short, id much rather spend my money on weed any day. or acid for that matter. first time for everything though

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  dino might! said:
yeah i know, i just didnt care enough for the little i did feel to want to try anymore. the stuff tastes like fish food smells, sticks to anything and everything, and sort of made my stomach/insides uneasy. that and the high i did get felt like this semi-uncomfortable magnetizing feeling.. i only wanted to look this one direction because it felt like parts of me were being pulled that way, as if by a magnet.

long story short, id much rather spend my money on weed any day. or acid for that matter. first time for everything though

yeah. the whole "two halves of me" feeling is a little bizarre, but ive become used to it, and actually, its not pleasant, but it sorta adds to the sensation. i do not like the taste, feel, or come down of the high, but i love the trip, as short as they are. longest trip i had was about 40 minutes, but it was so intense and vivid that i actually thought it would never stop. and its not like i wanted to be stuck that way, but i loved the feeling.

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I just made some weed hot chocolate a few minutes ago. it tasted like a vaporizer times 50. does anyone have experience with firecrackers?

and are you supposed to use bics or cracktorches for salvia, because my dealer said you only need a bong and a bic :confused:

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  showbiz00ditc said:
so whats the stash spot?

under the tubes of our air ventilation system. so its in our ceiling. the dogs would just be barking at nothing. jumping around for nothing. it sounds like a nuisance to retrieve but its pretty easy to access if you're tall and know where it is.

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people recommend torch lighters for salvia, cause the specific heat is higher than weed, but if you just take the safety off a bic you should be fine. use water pipes though, like bongs or bubblers cause it makes the smoke less harsh on the lungs (cause its really hot).

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i've done salvia a few times. the first time was fucking insane, i barely remember any of it. i was not prepared for the amount i smoked at all. i just remember feeling like space had completely disinegrated and it felt like an eternity. second time i did, my body just felt amazing, i didn't see anything. i tried a third and just got tunnel vision. i won't do it again because it's a waste of money.

shrooms, on the other hand, are awesome.

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  dino might! said:
shrooms have never worked for me. ive had up to an once in one sitting and nothing.. though im pretty sure my bodys natural tolerance for psychadelics is higher than the norm

it took a 1/2 of shrooms to get me on my ass. they were homegrown, so they probably weren't the most potent of shrooms, but they were fun. i didnt really trip, lot of open eye hallucinations, but i felt in control the entire time.

maybe you just got some bum shrooms?

dino, come up here and get shrooms. i got cheap cheap hookup.

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i thought of the possibility of a weak batch, and its probable, but that was the second failed trial, and my friend who picked them all in the same sitting ate his and went ape shit he said... ive had similar occurances with acid too, actually tripped last time though.

hold cold is it in connecticuit?

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  dino might! said:
i thought of the possibility of a weak batch, and its probable, but that was the second failed trial, and my friend who picked them all in the same sitting ate his and went ape shit he said... ive had similar occurances with acid too, actually tripped last time though.

hold cold is it in connecticuit?

today it was 58, its gonna stay as such throughout the week. i tried them during the summer though, so i haven't done them in a few months.

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  dino might! said:
oh nice, i can do 58. yeah, theres prolly none around now..

is there a way to fedex? or mail them to you? ill send you the hookup. i get them for maybe $15 a 1/8 and i have paypal, so if you're interested and if theres some way to legally mail im game.

  Corbin Law said:
niggah i got the ultimate shroom hookup

0 dollars.

and have all proven to yield some intense shit.

bizarro-me, come to sidneylo x sufu event in nyc this march.

you too dino.

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come on guys, honestly, this is a weed thread, and that salvia shit is doing no one any good, lets not confuse the two, lets be true to real weed, and not some joker melt your mind ass shit. come on guys, lets get this back on topic with some of this.


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  jeepster said:
is there a way to fedex? or mail them to you? ill send you the hookup. i get them for maybe $15 a 1/8 and i have paypal, so if you're interested and if theres some way to legally mail im game.

bizarro-me, come to sidneylo x sufu event in nyc this march.

you too dino.

the best way to mail anything is an airtight container and DHL ground. it will take less than a week to get anywhere in the US and they dont scan them at all since the box doesnt go on a plane.

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norcal weed is decent too. recently parents heard rumors of me thizzing so i get tested every week. meaning that i would have to quit every drug that is detected by the standard take home piss test. meaninggg nooo more mj :( sober for 13 days and counting!!

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