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you know youre a stoner when you can pack a bowl largely from remnants of weed gathered off your living room table.

Lol! i agree but best is last week i was cleaning my closet, and i found weed on many pieces of clothes. like not just a little, but a few little nuggets hahahaha.

what you need to see is the inside of a nice clinic

ouiiiiiiii bring me man.

i'd need to go see the doctor to get this fucking card. shouldn,t be that hard.

do they make you pass tests or whatever?

how much did the stem weigh?


naw, shit looks legit

nah, there's a lot on it. this one was nice. (my du always let me pick) he arrives at my place with large quantity and weight that shit in front of me.

jayrock got some pretty good indoor shit right now

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i don't think there are any fees here. you just have to have proof of certain disease, problems that would allow you to get weed. i checked the price online and the quantity and shit looks awesome.



thsi is the menu

you don't save as much on big quantities (compared to the price you usually get around here though)

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you know youre a stoner when you can pack a bowl largely from remnants of weed gathered off your living room table.
^ agreed, although you know you're a desperate stoner when you gather said bowl off of the floor of your basement instead

you know youre a messy stoner when youre these two guys ^

clean up your game and stop wasting, fools.

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ah different system. alot of the "doctors" that give out recs here dont actually care if you have a legit problem that would benefit from weed, seems to be more about the money. i

well here, since health care is free, it all comes back to the same thing, government related. there's a list of potential problems that you can read. might just go for "insomnia" which is actually true so might be good to play this..

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i heard somewhere that holding in the smoke is a bunch of bullshit, a normal hit will absorb most of the thc and it's useless and unhealthy to hold it longer. i don't do it unless i'm indoors or in a bathroom or something and will have to keep it in my lungs forever so no smoke comes out of my mouth so that it doesn't smell and shit. but i think i agree with the person above.

i love watching entourage high, i usually don't hear anything because the noise of the chips crunching will interfere with the show.

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No shit exhaled hits won't get you higher, but if you have a blunt / joint and hotbox, all of the smoke that would normally burn off of the joint / blunt into the air is now in the room you are. THATS the part that gets you higher. Basically its completely pointless with a bowl / bong, but if you have a few people smoking a blunt each then its not an awful idea.

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