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Tips on removing zits/pimples


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an update with my progress...ive started taking minocyclin (anti-biotic) for my acne. i wanted to go on tane but my gp wouldn't let met me. ive been on it for about a month and a half and its been pretty good. i still get the occasional spots but not as severe as my cystic acne i had before. however i started using new products and got more sleep the time i started the anti biotic, so im not entirely sure if its the pills that are helping me.

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acne is so depressing.

Chocolate doesn't make you break out.

do all of this;

Stop drinking energy drinks.

Shave only when you need to. (once or twice a week max)

Go to a tanning salon, like once a week intill your skin clears for 6 or 7 minutes.

Wash your face with witch hazel at night.

Find yourself a fragrance free facal bar for the shower. I used to use a oatmeal based soap now I use this stuff called basic, because the oatmeal soap started making my face shine for some reason...

Find yourself a fragrance free moisturizer oatmeal based moisturizer, use it after washing your face, at night.

Make sure you wash your hands really good before applying a moisturizer.

I try to do all of the above and I haven't had a serious, day ruining blemish in a few years.

This is the best advice in this thread, maybe minus the artificial tanning and witch hazel (witch hazel is usually sold suspended in some percentage of rubbing alcohol)...

-caffeine: terrible for your skin, gives the capillaries in your face hell

-nicotine: similar story

-salt: bad for you in general, most people consume too much salt and sodium. That 'water retention' that girls bitch about is no joke for guys either, when you are holding in fluids that is giving your circulatory system a hard time.

Shaving kills your skin. It sloughs dead cells and exfoliates, but also like someone mentioned does that at the price of making tons of micro cuts in your face and opening up pores. Electric razors are much better for sensitive skin/people who tend to grow more robust facial hair.

Men need to use sunscreen, every single day, most don't. (do you?) Choose these wisely. Sunscreen will help in evening skin tone as well, for people with existing scars and discoloration.

Popping pimples: not so good, but if they're small and limited in size (like the ones caused immediately by eating oily food or stepping into a sauna), you may just have whiteheads or folliculitis (common among people with darker skin/rougher more robust hair texture). In that case it's ok to get a comedone extraction tool and push the whitehead out, often these won't even break blood vessels depending on the oil content of your skin. If you have an uncomfortable pimple that seems to magically grow by the minute or one you've just popped, put an ice pack on it for 5-15 minutes. Controlling swelling with ice is just like any other time, when you'd sprain your ankle, etc. Swelling from inflammation and your white blood cells rushing to fill a sensitive point can be localized if you ice it down right away.

Wash your face with a gentle soap, in lukewarm (not hot) water. Dr. Bronners or Ivory is pure soap, meaning it is likely too strong for many people and will strip moisture while not cleaning deep enough. You could use those diluted/lathered with water maybe, but it's easier to get a facial wash that is intended for everyday gentle washing. Most better women's brands offer something like this. Rinse in cold water.

Toning is important for removing soap residue. Don't forget to go all the way down the neck where any larger hair follicles might be. You can use witch hazel which is good as an ingredient, but don't use any that has rubbing alchohol in it. They sell combinations of witch hazel/lemon juice which are good, or iris/witch hazel, also good. Citric acid fades discoloration in skin as well.

Moisturize, day and night.

Lastly, it's pretty obvious, but drink a lot of water, and, last but not least,

Have lots of sex. (With yourself is ok if you have no other options.)

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^accutane is too hardcore for you man, that drug is intended for people with intense cystic acne. Honestly the best medicine for stress-related acne is just rubbing one out.

Redness and scars, they take awhile to fade away, but getting lots of Vitamin A and E for cell regeneration, drinking water with a lemon slice in it regularly, rubbing your discoloration with a lemon slice for awhile, using suncreen daily and getting out regularly, and avoiding anything that is going to disrupt your capillairies in your face like caffeine and atmospheric pollution is best.

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i havent read all the pages in this thread, so i don't know if this site has been mentionned before. otherwise, i recommend everyone check it out. not only is it an online shop with the best men's grooming products but it also has very intelligent articles on the subject: menessentials

another good tip is to change your pillow sheets as often as possible, at least flip sides every night.

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^ changing pillowcases often, definitely. When I was growing up I used to do that almost nightly. Paying attention to the kind of detergent you wash your bedding in is important too, laying your face on Tide-washed pillowcases for 8 hrs at a time can irritate a lot of people's skin.

Other factor in that is keeping your hair out of your face and if you wear wax or product in your hair, that you wash it out before you lay down on your pillowcase, otherwise all that atmospheric pollution and dirt that your hair has collected through the day will end up all over your face at night. It sounds kind of gay but if you have long bangs, keep your bangs tied up in a ponytail when you're at home and when you sleep.

edit- one more thing, which is that if you're 18 and out drinking alcohol in mass quantities, you gotta keep yourself hydrated with water as well. Eventually you'll be breaking the seal later into your drinking sessions as well if go shot for shot with water, so it's an added benefit.

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I don't have an acne problem (knock on wood) but sometimes I'll get a major one on my chin/ nose/ super obvious spot and it's terrible. This is a dumb question, but I usually pop these once the big white head appears, but If I was to just leave it be, what would happen?

I'm curious... I probably would never leave it unless I was staying in my house for days or something, shit is disgusting.

Also only thing I do that is out of the ordinary is drink an amazing amount of water.

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haven't read through this whole thread, but I'm sure benzoyl peroxide has been mentioned a couple of times

for those of you who don't want to go to the Doc or mess with pills, check out danielkern.com. he sells tubes of 2.5% BP for $8.50. damn cheap!

worked for me...

shit bleaches your clothes - can't count the number of tops & towels I've fucked with BP back in the day.

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Not sure about acne but a good routine goes something like this:

-Use a facewash that's appropriate for your skin



-Exfoliate once a week

-Mask once a week

-Wear sunscreen every day

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Accutane demolishes pimples completely, but your face especially lips get very dry for the however long course it is. I was dosed with it before I really had a significant amount of acne, but my brother was dosed with it after having absolutely disgusting cystic acne. The dermatologist recommended it because of the family history and whatnot, and my skin turned out alright.


do accutane, then wash your face every once in a while, no big deal

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  • 9 months later...

Healthy diet. Hydration. Drink a ton of water.

Regular exercise. Enough sleep. All important things for general health.

Apply Benzoyl Peroxide to problem areas. Make sure you moisturize cos that shit dries your skin out.

And of course keeping clean. Wash your face regularly.

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