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Corny White Girls Appreciation


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the girl in the center was in my ceramics class. her body was quite satisfactory, however not only does she look like a dude, she looks exactly like david schwimmer. pretty sure she'd top the cjg thread. on a quick edit, the girl on the right appears to have magnificent joobs.

where's the dead fucking serious white girls thread? someone kick it off with the pic of the g irls in the flaming boat.

I think it's time to start a CJW thread in which we talk about girls hanging out at the tasti-Dz in murray hill

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So you're saying if one of those chicks wanted you to give it to her, you'd refuse?

i call bs

anyone who would get with one of those chicks on a regular basis deserve to be exiled along with them. i'd probably let it slide if it was a drunk fuck up, but them bitches are gnarly.

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neg repped for being a cock sucking trash chaser.

/\ lighten up man....you dont have to marry these chicks. They're just there for an easy bone and shallow conversation

"omg you have a job" "and you work out?" omg, thats so aweesome" *Slurp*

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which is why i said that it'd be okay if it was a drunk fuck up but actually posting multiple pictures of these girls as if they're actually hot pretty much sucks.

just these ones in particular are hitting a nerve for some reason. i'm all for cwgs.

I don't think they are hot. This chick posts these on fb like every fucking day and its all the same corny shit. I'll stop posting if peeps are fed up with her corny ass.

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is it me or does the 6th girl down on that post have some sort of eating disorder that is causing her arms/wrists/boobs/stomach to look that way?
yes its called working out.
she looks a little unhealthy, no?...
her grille looks unhealthy. the rest of her is good

LOL. damn girls that are leaner than i am.

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