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Superfuture - a gangster ass movie

Guest DUM

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Born on skype

Sidney is a new jack in the family 'business', no one believes in...he will earn a spot at the top of the game. Car chases, intense fights, hot sex scenes, flatheads...etc.

CAST (we're making these up as I type this, no order)

Rich - rich playboy gangster

Sphoxx - kills fuckers with his bare hands, never speaks, secretly trained in Japan, actually 370 years old

Canice - journalist, looking for a story. Sidney humps her

Diamonds - tech guy

Soepom - bar singer, knows the scoop

tg - arms dealer, fronts as a clothing store

Icarus - FBI, they make him shave the stache to look street...he cries

Hap & bizzy - serial killers

DUM - pimp (whores : JJ and C0C0), runs really fast

Corned Beef - comic relief crackhead

Crillz - drugdealer, has grill that reads "C R I L L Z"

Jmatsu - leader of rival syndicate

Drrailjo - the boss of a network of hostclubs and soaplands

Milspex - leader of street gang

Seraphim - femme fatale, hitwoman, crazy fucker

D_D - sphoxx's late sensei, sera killed him

Diddy - retired gangster, everyone still respects

Kix & Carl - cops

Mae - mafia princess, runs away with Rich

Seenmy - Jesus (in sidney's hallucination) still rocks the supreme flannel

This is all produced, directed, written, boompole thingy held by Begs

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Version two, from skype chat:


West Coast Syndicate:

Sidney – The new jack in the family 'business', no one believes in.

East Coast Syndicate:

Cheep – Godfather, easygoing most of the time but will go ballistic on your ass if you’re a smart aleck or tries to betray him

Beatle - Cheep's right-hand woman. Red Moon key holder and leather rope transforms into a deadly mace when necessary.

Syndicate Characters That Need to be Placed: Rira - Rich playboy gangster who enjoys wealth and leisure over killing.

Satanomendeath - Mafia princess, runs away with Rich

Brad Piffery – An enforcer who enjoys beating the shit out of others, but is secretly being beaten at home by his wife

Diddy - Retired gangster, everyone still respects.

Diamonds – Chemist, provides strange yet wonderful poisons and medications based on arcane knowledge of plants and spiders. Moody.

Moy - Former chef. Highly regarded for his wagyu sliders.

Khoiphan - Retard crippled bastard child of ...? Constantly butts into conversations with totally unrelated phrases. Is killed off early in the movie.

Assassins (no syndicate assignment yet):

Sphoxx - Kills fuckers with his bare hands, never speaks, secretly trained in Japan, is actually 370 years old.

Hap & Bizzy – Contract killers in an ill-fated relationship, as they are working on opposite syndicates.

Westside – Leader of the Boys’ Klub, a male-only contract killer organization. Always is wearing some type of animal print skinny pant.

Sera – General badass, femme fatale

Digital – Ex-priest, trying to make peace with God and the mob. Syndicate sees him as a moral guidance even though he doesn't think of himself that way. Living in a hearst with the mummifed body of his secret lover. Wears exclusively Lad Musician.

Red - crazy yakuza kid who gets hella sadistic. His mom cooks for the syndicate a lot.


Kiya – Arms dealer. Supplies to both syndicates; no allegiances although he has a West Coast bias at times. Has ties to Japanese weapon makers. Business rival is…

TG – Arms dealer, no allegiances. Owns a posh clothing store in the UK that doubles as weapons showcase. Walls turn round, mannequins flip open, and display cases reveal high-tech gear. Also makes bulletproof wiggly jeans.

Andewhall – Maker and importer of signature uniforms for both syndicates. Always inserts those damn thumbs up somewhere in his clothes, it's like "where's waldo."

Seedy Citizens With Possible Connections to the Syndicates:

Crillz – Easygoing drugdealer, has a grill that reads "C R I L L Z.” Wears tight pants.

DUM – local pimp, runs really fast (particularly in short shorts, Crillz-style)

JJ & C0C0 - High class ladies of the night who are selective about their clientele. Stiletto heels are actually titanium sharpened on one edge for sexy lethal action. Work for DUM...or does DUM work for them?


Chris - Gothninja squad elite leader



Chub rock


Bad Boys of SuperFuture:

(refer here for more information)

Milspex - Also leader of a survivalist organization with a remote compound. Engages in rigorous military exercises and enforces a dress code based religiously on military specs.

OMC – to be determined

StuckonStupid – Good at stealing, contracted by both syndicates for this reason

Shark – tbd

Jmatsu – Always has some biting comment for everyone, who wants to kill him for it but can’t because he belongs to the BBSF and because they secretly realize what he's saying is basically true

The Fuzz:

Icarus – FBI mole in one of the syndicates, they make him shave the ‘stache to look more credible (there is an emotional scene involving crying with this)

Kix – Cop, possible mole for the syndicate. Clashes often with...

Carl – Cop, not much is known as of yet. Suspicious obsession with photographing every crime scene he is sent to.

Minya - Chief of Police, has ties to the one of the syndicates, is corrupt

Entertainment & Culture:

Corned Beef - Comic relief crackhead with stereotypical bowl cut. Everyone likes him.

Drraijo - Boss of a network of hostclubs and soaplands in Japan. Offers rest and relaxation and pussy for those who visit the land of the rising sun. No allegiances.

Soepom – Cabaret singer with Vahalla and Sl*t as backups

JPGM – That one guy with the amusing Australian accent. Constantly confused by ignoramuses for being British. Likes ice cream cones.


Canice – Cub journalist/photographer, looking for a breakout story on crime gang

Airjamie – Often seen outside the liquor store, hustling and talking shit

Bill – Gentleman lumberjack, friends with everyone but is seen as getting too close to the underworld for his own good

Cotton – Hermit in the woods, tends to ducks and a large, all male herd of stag.

Keagan - Eccentric hairdresser

Sycamore - Former altar boy banged by Digital. Now a cabana boy serving up..."mai thighs"

Other SuFu-ers to be Casted:







The Supernatural:

Seenmy – Appears as Jesus (in Sidney's hallucination), still rocks the Supreme flannel. Sometimes spruces up in April 77 and Willhelm to throw things off.

Servo - Narrator, booming voice, sounds a little like Michael Caine. Makes an occasional on-screen appearance as a tranny hooker


Mae and Rich fall in love and run away from the sordid syndicate life. They dye their hair platinum and move to Finland. However the romance of a criminal life is too alluring so they follow the siren call and begin a Norwegian crime syndicate under the name of Lohikäärmetaistelu.

Bad Boys of the Future – no allegiances – instigate general mayhem and cause carefully laid plans to go awry. Coast around a lot on hoverboards that have been tweaked to work over water. Takes part in the internal decomposition of the police department, where everyone suspects everyone else of being a mole for the syndicate.

Digital is a tortured priest. Years ago, he killed Moy in a fit of blind rage and self preservation. Moy wanted to become a real chef with a real restaurant and the only way was to snitch. Upon hearing this, Digital became worried that the major source of funding for his church was endangered. Afterwards, Digital gave up the collar yet continues to serve as a conflicted man, to the syndicate. Sleeps with hot twin nuns, although he only sees them separately (together would be too sinful). Can't be bothered to remember their names so just calls them "sister" during sex which is a little weird.

Everyone is trying to find a particular pair of denim. Made from African cotton fertilized by the blood of virgins...woven by the hands of blind monks who later had their hands and tongue cut out so it couldn't be reproduced... When unraveled and rewoven so that the weft thread becomes the warp and vice versa a map is revealed, leading to a fountain of immortality and wealth.

The star crossed love of Hap and Bizzy is dealt a fatal blow when Diamonds goes berserk and slits Bizzy’s throat. Later on, Bizzy is somehow ressurected although Hap has gone crazy. Is only let out to kill; his style has become more violent, more brutal yet retains a certain elegance. Bizzy will find him in a strait-jacket and muzzle, looking out at the world with haunted eyes. In a rare act of compassion, the Bad Boys of the Future will use their time travel skillz to construct a happier ending for these two. This kindness maybe due to OMC having stolen Diamond's hallucinogens.

Sidney gets a lot of shit from within and outside the syndicate because many feel he is unfit for the job and unfairly promoted. Takes a lot of drugs as a consequence. Talks to Seenmy a lot, which leads people to suspect he's insane/unable to hold position. Leads up to a final battle.

In a final battle, Sphoxx kills Sera but notices sees a lock of slubby denim in a pendant on her neck, the same denim in a similar pendant he has. They realize they are long-lost twins. Sera doesn’t realize that she is also 370 years old because she has no concept of time within a larger context, ie past events are part of a general, non-specific past. Hints about this are dropped throughout the movie.

Running question throughout the film: is Seenmy real or simply a manifestation of Sidney's imagination? While only Sidney can converse/see him, other people experience strange things when they get too near. But sometimes, he shows up as minor characters ie milkman, random graduate student, etc. Is it Seenmy or just a lot of guys who look like him? And why does he look like a blonde Jesus?

Also included: Car chases, intense fights, hot sex scenes, Flatheads...etc


This is produced, directed, written, boompole thingy held by Begs

For further information: take all complaints and errors to DUM, Corned Beef, Sera, and Tweeds in Skype during the hours of 23:10 and 23:30.

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If you fix a penis to your vag area with bondo or some other industrial glue and cut your hair beatle style, then take a pic, the Boyz Klub will further consider your application.

Edit: Apparently that won't work anymore. We already fulfilled our affirmative action requirements by recruiting Analog.

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JJ, you're not a ho. You secretly kill all your 'customers' and stuff them in the trunk of my caddy. Only one person has broken the seal on your vag.


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I'm a bit disappointed in the direction the script is going. There needs to be some crazy shit to really put it over the edge .. we need to add some exploitation steez to this film. Let's get a little influence from Pasolini in this.

One of the sufu gays should have been made a homosexual serial killer with a hatred for women especially whores, and ends up in a struggle for his life against Coco or JJ.

... Now we sit back and listen to all of the assholes who do not have "roles" complain and beg for a minor part so they feel included into their online community which they hold so dear to themself.

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