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World-wide denim project

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Urgent update:

I dont know how to say this. I took the jeans off to have a shower and british airways lost them. I cant believe this has happened.

Will keep you posted when I learn more. I think we need to make sure that in the new rules, the jeans are sown onto your body for the entire month.

Well, given that they've now lost 2 pairs of jeans, and everything I own, it's time to storm their headquarters raping, burning, and pillaging.]

Edit: I volunteer for being in charge of the burning for revenge and pillaging for recompense.

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what the fuck happened? they leave it in a sewer?

Honestly, I have no idea. The jeans were one of the few items in the suitcase not so rotted through as to need to be picked up in pieces. The outside of my suitcase looks surprisingly intact, so my guess is that it was just left outside in the rain, and allowed to slowly molder for the total period of 82 days it was missing.

When I checked it, it was 48 pounds, when delivered to my house, it was 70, so that's 22 pounds of water it was holding.

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!!! haha thats a amazing! can you file a claim with British Air to get them to compensate you for the damages to everything? i guess better late and really damaged than never..

Claim is already filed, but it's for a total of $1600 (limited by international treaty) no matter what. The contents of the suitcase were all my more formal and dressy clothes as I was in situations where I needed nice shirts, blazers, odd jackets, wingtips and the like, so I'm out at least $6K nonetheless.

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Well, I got my suitcase today from British Airways.

To give you all an idea of the respect with which they treated my belongings, here's a picture of the original flatheads.


That's mold, rot, mildew, and something that looks like, but can't possibly be, rust.

Jesus - I just found another reason not to fly British Airways....How would they dare giving out luggage in this condition ?

But if I remember correctly - did'nt you say that you had put the jeans in your luggage since they were still wet at the time ?

Maybe that helped the rotting process...

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But if I remember correctly - did'nt you say that you had put the jeans in your luggage since they were still wet at the time ?

Maybe that helped the rotting process...

They were still damp. But, everything in the suitcase was soaked, it weighed 22 pounds more than it had when I dropped it off, and that was all water. The jeans were in the front pocket, which had the most orange rot, the main pocket had more black, brown, pink and green rots. A leather belt had come to pieces in the main pocket. The jeans still being damp wouldn't help, but I don't think it was relevant. Of everything in my suitcase, I salvaged a pair of glasses and two pairs of cufflinks.

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hmm, looks like my China trip shant happen :( Maybe I'll go to SF instead. But i am definitely going somewhere..

Who has our jeans currently? I know I set up the list, but I can't remember or be bothered to look. Also, he should post pics.

Finally, I washed the jeans a second time as per Kiya's request. They completely fell to pieces with a second washing, they were just utterely eaten apart by the rot and two washings was pretty much it. They're being sent back to Selfedge for him to keep until the other pair come back, along with the disposable camera. Just a couple last pics before I stop spamming.

First, their current state:



And some of where they went that I never posted, and yeah, I could lose some weight, but fuck it.








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Is that Gorilla masturbating ? Or just happy to see you ??

Lying motionless. Silverbacks are the LAZIEST animals I have ever seen, closely followed by lions. During the hour we were able to watch the gorillas, he rolled over twice, sat up, scratched his shoulder, and fell back asleep. Our guides said that is normal.

Similarly, one of our guides got out of the car to "piss off" the lions so we could get good photo ops. He stood maybe 10 feet from the lions (2 feet from the open car door), jumping up and down and shouting. One lion opened an eye, then covered her ear with her paw.

The little ones were livelier.




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