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Ultimate Significant Other: Mad Hectic


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i could name off a whole list of things that a girl could do that'll make me wanna hit em in the face with a baseball bat... (ie, needy attention whoring girls)

but as for the ultimate significant other, it comes naturally for me, not just one or two things about them...gotta be the whole package.

- knows how to take care of herself physically/mentally/emotionally/etc

- doesn't require my attention 24/7

- slightly bitchy high maintenance = +rep in my book

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i could name off a whole list of things that a girl could do that'll make me wanna hit em in the face with a baseball bat... (ie, needy attention whoring girls)

but as for the ultimate significant other, it comes naturally for me, not just one or two things about them...gotta be the whole package.

- knows how to take care of herself physically/mentally/emotionally/etc

- doesn't require my attention 24/7

- slightly bitchy high maintenance = +rep in my book

This seems like something of a contradiction...

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since selvedge is not an option. head to toe in doir homme covered or draped in julius except for the ccp distressed boots i can jizz all over and she doesn't care cuz they're already pre-scuffed. maybe an ann d. cloak to boot.

or just a girl that thinks for herself

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since selvedge is not an option. head to toe in doir homme covered or draped in julius except for the ccp distressed boots i can jizz all over and she doesn't care cuz they're already pre-scuffed. maybe an ann d. cloak to boot.

or just a girl that thinks for herself

If I ever met an attractive / at least moderately intelligient girl decked out in Julius I'd probably kidnap them.

edit: scratch that, I'd probably be more than satisfied with both moderately attractive / moderately intelligient, perhaps even less than moderate on both parts if they made up for in some other way. Extravagantly wealthy, perhaps. There is very little I would not consider marrying that was extravagantly wealthy.

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-At least as attractive as I feel I am (I guess using a 1-10 scale she should be at or around where I am)

-Sex drive to match mine


-CHEMISTRY!!! (This is huge and can trump other things)

-Fashionable is a plus, but not a prerequistite (ppl can change or if thats not their thing, fuck it)

- Financially stable, Im not taking care of anyone for the rest of their lives

- If they dont want kids (I hate kids and finding a like minded female is not easy)

- Open minded

-agnostic/atheist (yes Im aware of the contradiction with the above trait, but being open minded doesnt mean that one suspends critical thought)

-Health conscious (eats organic, doesnt fuck with Mcdonalds, etc.).

-Good cook

Curious to see what other SuFuers put.

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If I ever met an attractive / at least moderately intelligient girl decked out in Julius I'd probably kidnap them.

edit: scratch that, I'd probably be more than satisfied with both moderately attractive / moderately intelligient, perhaps even less than moderate on both parts if they made up for in some other way. Extravagantly wealthy, perhaps. There is very little I would not consider marrying that was extravagantly wealthy.

would be easy to undress at least....and it was dior homme underneath the julius. double load.

i'm more into the 8cm vagina though

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- Open minded

-agnostic/atheist (yes Im aware of the contradiction with the above trait, but being open minded doesnt mean that one suspends critical thought)

I guess I don't understand why being agnostic / atheistic generally precludes being open minded?

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a lady in public but a freak in the bedroom

Yeah I really also want a bitch that seroiusly freaks the fuck out of me, like makes me question the legalities, possibilities, and ethics of what happens in the bedroom... although maybe not long term...

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nice teeth

mostly concealed tattoos

small perky tits w/nice nipples

doesnt fuck on the first date

wears YSL cinema

wont make me wash my jeans

inteligence on par if not higher then mine


open minded

looks hot in/enjoys wearing my tee shirts ans nothing else

likes ninja turtles

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-hilarious (and by hilarious, i mean scathing and sarcastic)

-chiseled features

-tall tall tall


-not femme

-well dressed

-fat cock



-nice (and by nice, i mean courteous enough to call before going on a week long coke binge, which brings me to the next bullet point)

-not perpetually coked out of fucking skull

-fat cock

im a bit picky.

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i get really intrigued by cute guys with style who are standing outside of a bar, avoiding the loud noise inside, to talk to his significant other.

those cute little smiles they crack talking to her... makes me want to throw his cell phone across the street and give him a big fat kiss.

as for the ultimate significant other list, i have no clue.

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i cant even conceive having a laundry list of things i am looking for in a dream mate...suffice to say right now i am involved and am constantly surprised by how incredible she is...

doesn't ultimate mean last...if so then one can only hope...

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- chinese and/or japanese

- 5' 6 @ 100 - 110 lbs


- chanel boucle tweed jacket (white)

- diane von furstenberg echo tube top (black)

- apc new cures

- sonia rykiel flats

- balenciaga 'the box' handbag (black)

listens to:

- nas

- little brother

- david bowie


- david lynch

- wong kar-wai

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- chinese and/or japanese

- 5' 6 @ 100 - 110 lbs


- chanel boucle tweed jacket (white)

- diane von furstenberg echo tube top (black)

- apc new cures

- sonia rykiel flats

- balenciaga 'the box' handbag (black)

listens to:

- nas

- little brother

- david bowie


- david lynch

- wong kar-wai

i imagine she would look something like this


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I think cmf summarized it well enough in the other thread.

"I don't want to play games. I don't want to just fuck. I want someone who I look forward to spending my time with, someone who understands where I'm coming from, and someone who can appreciate my interests. and she has to look good, dress good, and fuck good."

And right now, for the first time in ages, that's what I have :)

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I'm in the bay area, so either the girls are ghetto as hell or fobby as hell...and dark as hell

but here is it:

-I go ape when i see a NICE SMILE

-nice and easy going

-style is a plus but not required

-smarter than me of course

-good taste in music/movies

-can keep up with me in bed

-also last but not least: i dont need a clingy needy bitch (those are the worst)

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