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  Phantom. said:
So if I've never seen a single episode of this show, but wouldn't mind getting into it, do I REALLY have to see it from the start (season 1).......or can I read some summaries and start with the last few episodes?

Ultimately, I'd like to see all the episodes, but I don't have 100 hours of my life to waste at the moment.

yes , because its so far in

u might be able to start at 2 (like i did) but you will BE FUCKING confused..

do yourself a favor, DL or Buy season 1, and watch it... you wont regret it

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  Phantom. said:
So if I've never seen a single episode of this show, but wouldn't mind getting into it, do I REALLY have to see it from the start (season 1).......or can I read some summaries and start with the last few episodes?

Ultimately, I'd like to see all the episodes, but I don't have 100 hours of my life to waste at the moment.

Watch from the beginning! Its the only way to really get into the mysteries of lost....

they're all up on the fucking amazing link that touch the sky hooked up.

That 100 hours will fly by.

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holy fucking shit. i am so astounded right now it hurts. this is possibly the greatest moment in television ever. i thought at the beginning "who gives a shit about jack's flashbacks...what else could there be really?" and then it occured to me that it could be a flash forward. WOW. depressing as shit. and dr. christian shep still alive? and naomi isn't who she says she is? and charlie is dead? and how fucking ill was sawyer capping mr. friendly's ass in cold blood? and sayid snapping that ma'f'cka's neck? i'm like a schoolchild with a new toy.

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  GoodHustle said:
I don't think Jack's dad is still alive...Jack was drunk and fucked up so he might have momentarily forgotten that his dad died a while back.

The more I think about the finale, the more I want Jack to get back on the island!

I think what he meant by "my father's drinking upstairs" was a metaphor... meant he was dead, "upstairs", in heaven perhaps?

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I think Jack's dad was alive in the flash-forward. Consider the scene at the pharmacy, when one of the prescriptions he handed the cashier was made out under his father's name - she suggested calling the office to verify with him.

good finale by the way. I was disappointed by the bulk of this season, but it definitely took a turn for the better in the last 3 or 4 episodes.

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i still feel a little pissed towards lost, it honestly lost its direction i feel, like it was supposed to be 3 seasons and done (and early in this season was fluff) but now we're three seasons in still scratching our heads. granted i love the show, the flash forward was a nice twist.

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  joey_formal said:
i still feel a little pissed towards lost, it honestly lost its direction i feel, like it was supposed to be 3 seasons and done (and early in this season was fluff) but now we're three seasons in still scratching our heads. granted i love the show, the flash forward was a nice twist.

I understand what you mean^^^ Some of the episodes were just dumb and didn't move the plot forward at all, leaving so many fans of the show kinda frustrated (Like the "Expose" episode - although the chick was f'n hot).

Granted that a show like this NEEDS to have an end. I definitely don't see this being something that'll go on for 10 seasons or so - but possibly done in 5 or 6 (maybe even less). It's good to know that the show will end, that way the writers can devote more time to developing characters, forwarding the plot, than making up filler-crap that doesn't help the show.

CANNOT wait till next season. I am gonna go through withdrawl symptoms

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  mwrenchd said:
I think Jack's dad was alive in the flash-forward. Consider the scene at the pharmacy, when one of the prescriptions he handed the cashier was made out under his father's name - she suggested calling the office to verify with him.

^^^ Yeah but he probably just has some of his dad's old scripts and made the prescription out to himself. My dad's a doc too, I have a buncha his old scripts in my car - hahaha ;)

I doubt his father is alive. Unless the miracalous powers of the island brought the dead body of Jack's father alive and somehow that's going to be revealed during Season 4. But that seems way to far-fetched.

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  joey_formal said:
^^ i can't wait either i want some of these damn questions answered haha

i think the shit is going to hit the fan next season, no question.

I heard some crazy rumor that the Losties will split into two tribes - one led by Jack, one by Sawyer.... again, far-fetched...

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  StuckOnStupid said:
also, to anyone doubting they can pull off another 48 episodes that keep people satisfied, consider the fact that they havent even touched on a huge chunk of info, ie:

The Statue

From Lostpedia:

Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse: The four-toed statue is very important but won't be addressed until season 4.

Your wish is coming true next season. Damn, I can't wait.

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  mwrenchd said:
I think Jack's dad was alive in the flash-forward. Consider the scene at the pharmacy, when one of the prescriptions he handed the cashier was made out under his father's name - she suggested calling the office to verify with him.

good finale by the way. I was disappointed by the bulk of this season, but it definitely took a turn for the better in the last 3 or 4 episodes.

Jack's dad was ALIVE for sure in the fast foward.

Remember when Jack is talking to the Chief of Surgery guy in the hall, and he asks Jack, "How much you have to drink?" Jack replies "WHY DONT YOU GET MY FATHER DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW, AND IF I'M DRUNKER THAN HE IS, YOU CAN FIRE ME?"

I don't know if he's dead or not, but one thing is forsure, he was alive in the fastfoward, unless Jack was just trippin off the drugs.


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  sriracha hot sauce said:
Jack's dad was ALIVE for sure in the fast foward.

Remember when Jack is talking to the Chief of Surgery guy in the hall, and he asks Jack, "How much you have to drink?" Jack replies "WHY DONT YOU GET MY FATHER DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW, AND IF I'M DRUNKER THAN HE IS, YOU CAN FIRE ME?"

I don't know if he's dead or not, but one thing is forsure, he was alive in the fastfoward, unless Jack was just trippin off the drugs.

not buying it

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yea, im guessing Jack's dad is still alive as well.

recall back in season one when the group first discovers the cave, Jack finds his dad's coffin empty. and in the first few episodes of that season Jack actually catches glimpses of his father staring at the them from the distance but always ends up losing sight of him when he chases him into the jungle.

all the clues, including the ones given in this last episode, seem to indicate that Jack's father is still alive in the island.

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i am realy bugged out about why charlie had to die that way, they had at least 5 mins to get out of that underwater place which is enough time for charlie and desmond to gear up and get out, oh well. does anyone else realy want to know what happened to michael and walt, and why that havent sent help?

temple=place with giant foot maybe?

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