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  youkinorn said:
yeah, but then there was also that dude Ethan, right?

yea ethan was the other guy that got killed. if you spell other man you get a video clip...

i read that the oceanic-air website was from season 2, so the info on there is prob pretty old, but i didnt know about it until recently so i guess im not in lost loop

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Here's what we know so far from this season.

1) The helicopter crew was sent to find both the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 and Ben.

2) There's a group of people who get off the island called the Oceanic six. We learned this from Hugo's rant after he crashes the Camaro during last week's episode. Apparently it's made up of Hugo, Kate, and Jack. We already knew about Kate and Jack from last season, because of the flash forward from last season and we discovered that Hugo was the third member of group last week. The question is who are the other three members of this group?

If any one has anything else to add feel free to, cause I forget what else there was.

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ive been a pretty big Lost fan since the beginning, i stopped watching at one point in the midst of season 3 but caught the ending and am right back on track.

I never realized how intense the Lostpedia is, holy mother of fuck.

Doesnt the explanation of the Hanso foundation pretty much reveal the overall plot of the whole show?

After reading that I clicked on the Valenzetti equation, then clicked on the Doomsday Arguement which is actually real.

I've never in my life seen in television series generate so much propaganda that is so elaborate, sweet jesus..

Aside from Lost, the Doomsday Arguement is some serious shit to read up on, especially anybody who has a background in Statistical Methods will really enjoy it

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  chantheman said:
so many questions from this episode...not enough answers!!!!!!!!!

Crazy episode from the start!

"If I had a kidney there I would be dead." Fucking brilliant!

I think Michael is the spy on the boat that Ben was talking about, or he is somehow connected. Also it looks like the guy who says he is from Oceanic (from the Wire) is part of Dharma, and since they were able to secretly plant another plane, I would guess that Dharma secretly owns Oceanic...

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  ExileOnMainSt said:

So was the fact that this Hanzo guy founded some equation that predicted the end of humanity that had something to do with those numbers, and started up the DHARMA initiative on the island to try to alter the fate of mankind revealed in an episode i missed!?!

This was mostly revealed via the Lost Experience, which was a series of on-line/real world events that provided more information about the Lost Mythology. You can find more at various Lost forums and also lostpedia.com.

The most recent online experience is at find815.com and basically revealed that the oceanic flight had been found in the sunda trench, the footage in the latest episode is basically reflective of that. The previous Lost Experiences surrounded the mysterious Hanzo Foundation, and we eventually found out that the Hanzo Foundation and the Dharma initiative were connected. They are trying to address the problem posed by the Valanzetti equation, a secret equation that predicts the extinction of humanity. Connected to the equation is a series of constants that are representative of certain human and environmental factors that we don't understand (the numbers that we see repeated all the time/Hugo's lottery numbers/etc etc). The point of the Dharma initiative was to carry out various experiments and hopefully change one of those numbers, hence prolonging the life of the human race. Elsewhere, the Hanzo Foundation carried out a number of sketchy operations in order to change the number, including releasing a virus into a village in Sri Lanka aiming for precisely a 30% death rate. The Lost Experience 'exposed' Hanzo Foundations doings and since then the original president of the Foundation, Mr. Hanzo has agreed to rethink their organization and allow for greater transparency, etc.

So none of this was revealed in any episodes, but if you look up the Lost Experience on-line, you should be able to catch up. It's not necessary, but it's sort of cool to go through find815.com and then see the footage from on-line featured in the actual show.

What I think is interesting from the latest episode is that the pilot in the wreckage found in the Sunda Trench is not the pilot who flew flight 815. This means that any theories about wormholes can't be true, and also any theories that the flight both crashed in the ocean and on the island and that the survivors are both dead in the ocean and alive on the island are false. Though really the survival of the Oceanic 6 should have revealed that already.

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Also, it's kind of interesting that whoever is behind planting the plane in the Sunda trench, would be willing to kill all the people they would plant in the plane, pay for the extra plane, then sink it. It's not like they would do that simply for PR purposes of ocenaic. I guess they're trying to stop people from searching for the survivors and possibly finding the island. Which, I guess, means that there's a danger that people would successfully find it if they searched hard enough.

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^^ thanks for the summation about the lost experience...i never got into the whole online thing, amazing how much there is that we're still racking our brains over that apparently is now common knowledge (i'd prefer it was released in the show, I'm not sure about the whole viral marketing aspect) . . . . will rep when i can

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ahhh? idunno I dont really think Naomi had a sister.

They had the same bracelet's which probably means Naomi's boss is that girl's boss on the flash forward

Any predictions on who the remaining Oceanic 6 will be? I think it's pretty safe to rule out Desmond, he's on the helicopter going back to the freighter with Sayid who is a survivor but I don't think it will be as simple to reveal next week that one of the remaining two is Desmond.

I can see him doing something badass on the freighter and just start punching guys out.

Also don't you think one of the survivors should be Claire? To end the show with her not surviving/still being on the island would be kind of bleek.

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Technically the network bought episodes up until 2010 and around that time they will go in for renegotiations on whether or not the series should be continued. Its not a definite it will end in 2010. Thats why I have a hard time watching this. Ive got atleast another 2 years before I really find out what the deal is and it may be longer.


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