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I smell a neg rep train.


So its pretty much established that the little boy with the bloody hands is not Aaron right since he's supposedly with Claire's mom in LA. Also this episode reinforced that Jack is still a bitchass just when you want to give him the benefit of a doubt.

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I smell a neg rep train.


So its pretty much established that the little boy with the bloody hands is not Aaron right since he's supposedly with Claire's mom in LA. Also this episode reinforced that Jack is still a bitchass just when you want to give him the benefit of a doubt.

guess i was wrong with the aaron on the island idea. so the kid could be a young jacob since he knows the rules of the island or made mention of something along those lines.

Desmond has to play a big role in the ending of the show. hes the constant character that has been everywhere. He caused the first plane crash, he didnt go back to the island with the rest of them, he met faradays mother when he went looking for a ring for penny.

Love that the sign Jack read in the conservatory when going to see David play said "Welcome Candidates.

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“One thing that will kill you around here is infection,” says Claire, the woman with The Infection.

Christian’s study has a supply of MacCutcheon Scotch, the favorite of Widmore, Anthony Cooper, and Sawyer!

The Chopin piece on David’s desk (Fantaisie-Impromptu in C-Sharp Minor) was the very same piece Daniel was playing as a boy!

David Shephard – really? David the Shepherd Boy who becomes King? (That’s even more obvious than Christian Shephard!)

More bunny imagery and “Alice in Wonderland” references (Jack reads to Aaron, Jack reads to David). I’m pretty sure there was a key hidden in a rabbit in a Miles’ flashback, too.

All their lives are bleeding into each other, like some sort of collective unconscious!

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what was the thing jack saw in the mirror (not his house)?

looked like a church or something

so jin is trapped, and when jacob said someone is coming to the temple, referring to smokey because jin has to lead claire and them to the temple or else they'll kill him. so jacob foresaw jack breaking the mirror and jin letting smoke monster into the temple, right?

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This past episode was a goldmine of symbols etc....More taken from EYE M SICK:

Very interesting! I've read a version of the 'turning-the-FDW-creates-clones' before (on this blog?), but it was based on a deleted scene from Season 4 in the Tunisian desert, where it appears that Ben Linus on the horse is riding away from a Ben Linus on the ground behind him. I take it you're suggesting that in Locke's case, the duplicate was left behind on the island instead?

If we found out that's the case it will help tighten a loose end that I believe began to be worked on last night, finally paying off a mystery from Season 5: Claire was in the pursuing outrigger that opened fire on Locke, Sawyer, and Co. when they were attempting to row to the Orchid Station, and it was Claire whom Juliet hit when she returned fire.

Jin uncovers the first clue during his brief perusal of Claire's tent before she comes back with the still-alive Justin. He's only able to poke around in Krazy Klaire's Kreepshow Karriage (more on that in a moment) by using an oar as a crutch. I didn't catch it on the first viewing, but on my rewatch tonight it scanned as not random right away, cuz this was one symbol heavey episode. In the next scene, Claire tells Jin he was lucky she was here to patch him up, not like the time she stitched herself up after she was shot, she claims by the others, in her left thigh.

If, as you suggest, Flocke came into existence on the island 3 years before 316 landed, he may have been one of the others on the outrigger with Claire.

So, that's my case for the 'Claire-shooter' theory. The evidence against it is back in that Season 5 episode (what was it...The Lie? Jughead?) when Sawyer finds an Ajira water bottle in the outrigger on the beach. That puts the date of that flash in their (the Lefties) 'future', apparently in 2007. If it was Claire & 'friends' shooting at the Lefties, she would've been injured just days previous to her run-in with Jin. I'd be really, really surprised if we didn't have a Claire-centric flashback episode later this season, so let's hope we find out more about her past 3 years on the island!

More random stuf:

-Jacob has Hurley looking for the 'omega' symbol--the terminal 'it only ends once' letter of the greek alphabet-- on the wall of the temple hallway.

-Claire's hideous 'baby' bears a can't-be-accidental resemblance to the head of the 'Tawaret' statue. I'm excited. and confused. But I've never really had a working theory has to how and why the island's fertility issues work.

-Jack's viewing of his childhood home in the mirror, rather than the vending machine at his hospital confirmed something I'd suspected after watching 'The Incident'. The touched-by-a-Jacob visits we saw were not necessarily the only visits Jacob made to the pre-815 castaways, but instead a kind of proof-of-principle that such interventions could occur.

-It's really unlikely Claire was skipping through time with Lefties. She and Justin reference an adversarial relationship that goes back much longer than the couple of Days Jack and co. have been back in this timeline. But why not?? The time-skipping permits weren't based on proximity to the Orchid--Faraday and Frogurt were at sea, but still 'within the radius' when Ben moved the island. It very well may be that she had already been 'claimed', and such a procedure exempts one from time-skipping. But Richard A. and his crew didn't skip either, and they were certainly not claimed.

The rules of time-traveling eligibility perplex me, but with Faraday out of the picture, I feel like the writers have lost their one character who could explain things like this without it seeming like a gratuitous infodump. Obviously, the most desirable thing would be if they could 'show' the rules without 'telling' them (i.e., the way they used Bram to show that ash is a barrier to Smokey)...but just see that as a really, really difficult task. They could always take the gratuitous info-dump route, but I'd almost rather it remain a mystery, if it comes to that. I feel this same craving for empirical solutions vs. humble acceptance of taking it on faith opposition for a ton of stuff on this show.

-Who's coming to the Island??? Even though the Lighthouse tuning didn't work out, I don't think Jacob was bullshitting about that. My prediction: It's Desmond, who will somehow have been able to interface with his sideways-universe experiences, learned something vital to the survival of the Losties, and is coming to the island to share it.

-Remember when Sun found Charlie's ring in the cradle last season? Dollars to donuts she's still got it, and she'll show it to Claire at a crucial moment, perhaps when Jin's life is in the balance, to remind Claire of her goodness.

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there are 14 epi's left... i really question if they can fix this by then. I think they could, but i dont know. There are a lot of questions, and most of them are new even.

Its hard to read peoples ideas about this show, as they are almost always wrong. If things worked properly, or made sense, perhaps the show would not be as interesting, but to me, it peaked out a couple seasons ago. i am done with trying to guess, just sitting there watching the mess the whole thing it is.

And for some reason i thought that when the boat taking fire with the crew on it was getting shot at, it was them behind themselves shooting at them... i dont remember why i thought that, but it seemed like it was explained to me over the course of the ridiculous events that have transpired. I forget. Whatever.

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so did Sayid fuck up when he let dude say "what up sayid"

We'll know who really screwed up when we know who's really pulling the strings.

Very action-packed episode, but there is a lot of explaining to do. What is Flocke gonna do with his new recruits? I feel like Claire is gonna murk Kate in her sleep.

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Wow that episode was packed with creepy holy crap moments...Lots of action and I actually felt like I cared a little more about the Sayid Sideways timeline story than others...not sure why...I guess a part of me wants to believe in his redemption but holy hell did he turn creepy..

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yesterday was the best episode of the season. but unlike past seasons there's not much to say or speculate on.

This is how i feel. Nothing is happening, and i do not feel like we are moving towards any sense of clarity. It just keeps going on like we are supposed to really care, when its getting more and more silly all the while.

Just me?

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