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The WTF are u doing with your life thread


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haha i tried that a few times. I'm close (biochem) but no quantum entanglement. I was at some graduate student's party near campus and tried that.

her:"So, uh, which lab at (my uni) do you work at?"

me: "uh, (thinking rapidly), kobakawski, for uh (oh shit shit), quantum superconduction?" :cool:

her: :rolleyes: "The physics department isn't that large. i think I've seen you around the bio labs, right?"

me: "Um, want another beer?" ;)

Hell yeah dude. I have a mad physics boner and i love shaking it in those liberal arts people's face. But i actually am a nuclear physicist, my research is in high temperature liquid salt reactors in the engineering physics department. Peoples eyes glaze fast if you say that, so you godda throw some star trek shit their way which makes a great segue to me hitting on her.

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i've been working as a doctor for almost 3 months now since i graduated med school. i want to quit so bad. the money is pretty good, considering all my friends who are unemployed but shit, this thing is eating up my life.

i've been racking my brain for alternative ideas. i'm still 24, not too late to bail out and do something entirely different.

bro did you grow up your whole life wanting to be a doctor?

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just got a new job recently. i'm going to be doing the same thing, but in a corporate position instead of an independent showroom. going to make more money and not have to work as hard, and hopefully can leverage this position to have even more global influence. stay tuned-

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Hell yeah dude. I have a mad physics boner and i love shaking it in those liberal arts people's face. But i actually am a nuclear physicist, my research is in high temperature liquid salt reactors in the engineering physics department. Peoples eyes glaze fast if you say that, so you godda throw some star trek shit their way which makes a great segue to me hitting on her.

ah, physics...and xkcd! http://xkcd.com/793/

lol, yeah got a physics boner as well, thanks to living with physicists for three years. guys got me into a) brewing beer, B) puns and c) going to science fiction club meetings, not bad, i'd say. sadly my physics reading is limited to godel, escher and bach and various hawkings' books.

but i get my own doctorate eventually haha

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lol, classic xkcd. one of my research partners did physics undergrad. i showed him that cartoon after he unsuccessfully tried to help me with my hw.

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By day I freelancing as a advertising copywriter at Grey NY...

By night I work on side projects and design stuff.

What account you working on and how is Grey? I'm graduating this semester and going to look for art direction jobs.

coming up to new york in a week or so to start talking to some people.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finishing up Community College this fall and transferring to a UC. I'll be working/getting trashed in Korea for the 6 months for the time in between.

In terms of a career, I'm just as unsure as I was in high school. I still have no confidence in being an English major, but fuck it, what alternatives do I have.

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ive been doing a lot of thinking about this. it really is difficult to figure out what one should do with ones life. and ive been rather disturbed by how one-dimensional and narrow-minded some of the people ive spoken with are on this matter.

these people seem so eager to go on to some law, finance, f500 career track gigs that i am not really sure if they really reflected on what it is they want out of life. they often say I NEED TO DO X, but really the only things you NEED to do in life are eating, fucking, defecating, and sleeping. i think the question is what do you want to do - a question which admittedly is hard for most (myself included) to figure out. but i mean everybody can make money. sure some people make more and some make jack shit, but my point is this: is that really what you want out of life? collect bunch of papers and use it to buy shit you dont really need? how original is that?

maybe it's just me because most of the people that i hang out and associate with - regrettably - are really just modern day philistines. no appreciation for any culture and just a general lack of inquistiveness. they can ask what, but they never ask why. what i find frustrating is that they seem entirely satisfied with things as they are. i almost envy that kind of indifference because i was never able to be like that. i certainly dont wish to convey myself as "someone who has seen the light." i dont have any answers. but i think anyone who recently graduated/about to graduate should really consider taking some time off before committing to any serious (financially or time-wise) career path. not only ask yourself what it is that you want to do, but also ask yourself why. if you have any doubts about answering the latter in an entirely satisfying manner, i don't think you are ready. but then again, most people aren't and they go on living their "great" lives just fine.

and as for me, i will be taking some time off (probably a year or two) traveling and teaching english abroad. i will also be learning either french or german - something that i always wanted to do but lacked the motivation to do so. oh and read tons of things i havent had the time to without worrying about writing some paper for it. the uncertainty of my future really bothered me; but now i embrace it.

in the long run, the law may be an option but it really is forever fucked. basically, you graduate college, go to law school, try to get a job you will fucking hate but cant get out because your 200k in debt. then realize US legal market is totally fucked post-lehman brothers/economic collapse, and your shot at 160k+ fancy big city BIGLAW gig is about a 50% chance (assuming you went to a top 6 law school). you get no offered and end up working at some shitty government bureau for 40k a year clearing parking tickets - money you could have made teaching high school (probably more than 40k) in NYC with a fucking bachelors without wasting 3 years of your life with insufferable assholes, not to mention the 200k in school loans.

or i could end up in graduate school where i could spend 7-8 years of my life only to realize that there are basically no fucking jobs for academics in US; and if im lucky there will be an opening position in U. SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI where kids come to get edjimacated.

tl;dr, life is hard. hope you find what you love. i havent. but hopefully i will soon enough. oh and travel! really a wonderful thing.

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I'm a research assistant. School is free, and they pay me $1000/mo. I have no bills besides cable and rent. I have no children legitimate or otherwise. I have good health insurance. i'm doing interesting shit and life is pretty sweet.

+1 for that law rant. if you're not in natural sciences then it seems thats just what you do next if you cant get a job. Every department is seeing more grad student these days, i suspect once (if) the economy picks up and more jobs become available then the numbers all over will peter out.

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i could take it that route but i'm not going to. I would rather have some real experience to help me make that decision. If i decided to, i would do it traditionally: BS-MS-PhD at three different universities. I have my eye on Berkeley

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Ahh nice nice, yeah I'm the same way about wanting real experience. I actually don't even want to be a student right now but the job market is not so hot obviously, so I'm back for 2 years. Once I get out I doubt I'll go back for a PhD.

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University of Auckland :( --- finished 2nd year Bsc- Physics

My degree is only 3 years all up... +1 year for BSc Hons...

Got excepted into UCLA / UCSB for a 6 month exchange [Rejected by UCBerkeley...] But couldn't go because of money issues... sigh...

Maybe if I work extra hard I can apply again for Berkeley when I finish my Honors degree... Hope my theisis paper will be good enough...

Mite c u there TTM lol.

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.....collect bunch of papers and use it to buy shit you dont really need? how original is that?

...and as for me, i will be taking some time off (probably a year or two) traveling and teaching english abroad....


i finished my undergrad in nuclear engineering. working some flop drafting job for it. trying to get a job that isn't as tedious with better pay, mostly to pass the time. eventually intend on becoming a firefighter (0)

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ive been doing a lot of thinking about this. it really is difficult to figure out what one should do with ones life. and ive been rather disturbed by how one-dimensional and narrow-minded some of the people ive spoken with are on this matter.

Kid...you are about to discover that once your youth is gone, the only thing that matters is living well. i.e. the real world is going to fuck you directly in the asshole if you don't think you need to make/save money.

Given the fact that your treatise is RIDDLED with spelling errors/grammatical errors/logical errors, you don't have a shot at law school or finance anyways, so that's pretty stupid for you to talk about. That's like me talking about how bogus professional sports are. I'm 5'9" and 140 with my hair wet. I can't fucking talk about professional sports.

The thing you don't seem to grasp is that people that are successful, financially, generally have gone through the same existential crisis you are now going through and have come through it much better off than you will. You should envy them - not because they are "indifferent" but because they understand how the real world works. If you want to go teach and fuck teenage girls, well hell you can do that. Nobody is stopping you.

Here's the thing though: people that make a lot of money? They get paid a lot of money because they provide a great deal of service to society. Otherwise they wouldn't get paid. You talk shit about lawyers and finance people, but guess what? Those are the people making sure your fucking parents could afford a house. Those are the people that protect you from getting robbed, and killed, and just beat the fuck up at random. Society is based on the idea that we can own something - even Steinbeck understood that. In East of Eden he writes that "a man is nothing unless he owns some part of land, even a tiny piece of something", to paraphrase a moving passage that I'm too lazy to look up.

Stop being an indulgent little pissant and grow the fuck up. If you don't want to go into some industry, nobody is making you do it. Sure you don't NEED to do anything. You don't NEED to not chug clorox and run around, but it's probably in your best interest. this whole essay just comes off as petulant whining. Get over yourself. Everyone else already has.

Oh, and yeah, travel is great. You know what else is great? Having enough money to actually travel because you work really hard at your job and get paid well because you're fucking brilliant at it.

Good luck with your "original" life choices, I'm sure they will be very different from every movie that's a journey of self-discovery, heartbreak, and forgiveness.

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Kid...you are about to discover that once your youth is gone, the only thing that matters is living well. i.e. the real world is going to fuck you directly in the asshole if you don't think you need to make/save money.


Given the fact that your treatise is RIDDLED with spelling errors/grammatical errors/logical errors, you don't have a shot at law school or finance anyways, so that's pretty stupid for you to talk about.

And this.

Here's the thing though: people that make a lot of money? They get paid a lot of money because they provide a great deal of service to society. Otherwise they wouldn't get paid. You talk shit about lawyers and finance people, but guess what? Those are the people making sure your fucking parents could afford a house. Those are the people that protect you from getting robbed, and killed, and just beat the fuck up at random.

Must spread rep as usual RandR.

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yo did into the rain smoke weed for the first time??


I'm in my second year in university. In January I begin at my first co-op position, at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. [for Ontario]

I'm pretty excited, the job seems good, and I will be moving to Toronto, a much wider creative community than I am currently involved in.

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