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THE Mustache Thread: Challenges, Appreciation, Ridicule, Praise

dino might

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is it school rules or something? they must allow some "well kept" facial hair right?

yeah, its a snobby private school. fucking horrible. strictly enforced uniform and dress code. ive had to shave at school more times than i can count because my five oclock shadow is deemed too crass. hair also cannot exceed a certain length. and since theres a uniform, of course its alwful for dry denim. my jeans have been loving all the attention summer time has brought them.

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ill make it out with much more distaste for the man than i had going into it.

if/when you find the website, click the promo video link on the homepage, i think in the bottom righthand corner. it splits my sides.

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haha i already found out that scott stapp from creed went to your skool

then i watched the video, and i laughed, like real laughter. CHRISCHUN VALUUZ

where did they get the computers for the little kids? 1995?

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hahahahah, now they have all new mac setup shit, but not when that was made, but yeah "instilling christian values" what a fucking crock. i told you youd laugh, now feel my pain.

also, i missed it earlier, but to answer your question, no. no facial hair whatsoever.......

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Took this yesterday:


I think this is like 3 weeks in, first time aswell.

I tried growing it a couple times already just for the fuck of it but I'd never get past point "crazyitch". Now I either got used to it or it just stopped itching so much.

Figured I'd just let it grow for a bit now that I've come this "far", not sure if I like it yet though...

Actually quite surprised that it's so little still, normally my beard grows like crazy and I have a full shadow come nighttime when I just shaved that morning, but right now it seems to not grow that fast anymore.

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  • 3 weeks later...
5 weeks:





cotton, i think i got you beat in the overall beat category, but you definately got me on the mustache.

Yo dino I watched that promo video just cause. .uhm .. well I have nothing to do with my time

How is your moral and spiritual development coming along?

horribly. im a nihilistic, drug abusin, bottle lovin' son of satan. they just hype it up in the video. (as you can clearly tell)

Oh man, does my facial hair ever get crazy if I let it loose...

Maybe I should make up for the lack of asian represenation.

do it. i dare you.

FINAL update on my beard coming up soon. after that its gone for another nine months. i will return to looking like a turd and accordingly, my rep count will noticably diminish.

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i think come fall i'm going to bring back my full beard and try and let it run free beyond my existing records. I've never achieved flowing fullness, but I've never gone more than two months without trimming. I think if I let it go til spring I can attain the "ancient mariner" look I've longed for.

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