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  corporategrunt said:
I am looking forward to what Simmons has to write about this one. I guess Stern didn't really feel the need to revitalize a once proud organization - if anyone were to do something shady and get away with it, this would have been an easy one as % would've hid the shady dealings well enough...

stomach punch...

this is still depressing. :(

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  homi29 said:
i hate detroit and spurs

please noooooo more of them in the finals ... we need someone new in there

No worries. Portland looks like they will start making repeat appearances pretty soon.

After the draft, they will have a ridiculously sick, young, talented, and potentially dominating roster. Oden, Aldridge, Roy. et al. Holy fuck.

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I'm not a big Kobe fan, I do think he has done some wrong (not talking about the rape incident) in terms of alienating his teammates, and puting some people unde the bus (although he says in his interview that he has not - at least for walton and lamar). But in this incidence, I think Lakers have done him wrong and needs to do a lot for damage control. They won't trade Kobe though. He means too much for the Lakers. That means trading away draft picks and Bynum and possibly not resigning (sign and trade) Walton.

But if we're discussing somebody who deserves a trade? Kobe has nothing on KG. sure KG has his share of faults but he has killed himself for the past several years on a bad team because of terrible front office. If Lakers can swing something for KG and/or Kidd, it should be enticing enough for Kobe to stick around.

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"I would like to be traded, yeah," Bryant said on 1050 ESPN Radio in New York. "Tough as it is to come to that conclusion there's no other alternative, you know?"

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  78 said:

"I would like to be traded, yeah," Bryant said on 1050 ESPN Radio in New York. "Tough as it is to come to that conclusion there's no other alternative, you know?"

ahhhhh!!! my wost nightmare...!! i'll be a kobe fan no matter where he goes... but i can;t help but wonder, is this REALLY it? just the other day Kobe was defending himself saying he DIDNT want to be traded. One things for sure, something big needs to go down this summer as Kobe stated in the same interview...

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  wildcat said:
there's no way kobe's going anywhere. he just got homotional and needed some attention during the playoffs since the lakers weren't good enough to make it passed the first round.

yea, exactly what i was thinking...stephen a. smith asked him like 3 times if the lakers could do anything to change his mind and he said no each time...comes out yesterday and dude has a whole new mindset...said he and phil jackson "had a talk".....the fuck outta here.

viva san antonio!!!!

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kobe probably won't go anywhere, but i can see his side. why the hell is he in a rebuild team with subpar hype players? the higher-ups forgot that kobe is gettin' on his years now. talk of getting j.o'neal is stupid; that guy is average at best, like garnett minus the presence an dthe stuffed stat sheet. but screw all that...game 5 cavs/pistons was unbelievable.

lebron looked like a brutish jordan late in the game and into the ot's. mike brown is a shit coach.

  Larry Bird said:

viva san antonio!!!!


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First off, Kobe will not go anywhere, book it. LA bleeds Kobe. Even if he hypothetically went on a rape spree, talked shit about everybody, and then constantly put out an elitest swagger of undeserved accomplishment, most LA-ites would still line up to bear his children or donate their child's kidneys for him, or some other ridiculous shit generally reserved for god-like saviors. Oh say what? He did do those things? Oops, no need to be hypothetical here.

Funny thing is I like him as a player actually, but his worship status in la-la land is seriously disturbing. It's kind of sick, really.

  panikEpenguin said:
mike brown is a shit coach.

^ And to Mike Brown, agree x100. To echo your own words Mr. Brown: "Wow, wow. I mean really? I'm still coaching in the NBA after all this? Wow."

He belongs on the set of Family Matters or doing weather reports on the Today Show, not coaching on the sidelines of an NBA team. Sorry, it's the truth.

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