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Some cool, distressed denim


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this thread is like paul t's book all over again i dont even come here unless its a holiday, so i know i have time to smoke&surf. i save this thread for myself like a present, and unwrap it like every 2 months.

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love that N-1 under the 507.

from Hunter Thompson's "Hell's Angels"...

"every Angel recruit comes to his initiation wearing a new pair of Levis and a matching jacket with the sleeves cut off and a spotless emblem on the back. The ceremony varies from one chapter to another but the main feature is always the defiling of the initiate's new uniform. A bucket of dung and urine will be collected during the meeting, then poured on the newcomer's head in a solemn baptismal. These are are his "originals", to be worn every day until they rot. The Levi's are dipped in oil, then hung out to dry in the sun- or left under the motorcycle at night to absorb the crankcase drippings. When they become too ragged to be functional, they are worn over other newer Levi's. Many of these jackets are so dirty that the colors are barely visible, but they are discarded until they literally fall apart. The condition of the "originals" is a sign of status. It takes a year or two before they get ripe enough to make a man feel he has really made the grade."

Trawling the google / life image resource again . Great pic of a hells angel from 1965 in what seems to be a 507xx and Levis , love the colour of the jeans !!! Included the google / life link , enjoy .



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One thing I've noticed about pre-50s styles is that you'd often see people wearing sportcoats with very casual work clothes. I really like how that worked sometimes. Nowadays if you said you're going to wear a sportcoat over a pair of overalls people would probably you find you sartorially mad but I really dig the look. Like this for example,


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That Hell's Angels photo is probably of an original member. San Bernardino, or Berdoo, was the original chapter of HAMC. By the late '50s, Sonny Barger had become the driving force behind the club and the HQ had moved north to Frisco and Oakland. The patch in that photo is significant because there is no Death Head between the rocker (upper and lower patch) and San Bernardino is refered to as Berdoo and not San Berdoo or just California as later conventions regarding the patch changed. Also notable is the woman wearing the Hell's Angles patch. No women are allowed in the club or allowed to wear the patch. This obviously is a woman and that looks like a woman's jacket -- not a boyfriend's. So, there is that.

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interesting cash, thanks

actually i was just reading the hells angels story again.

so that must be the original chapter then , right. they were founded in san bernadino county.

funny thing is that there was this other pic of sympathy from last week with the dude wearing a white jacket over his leather one, and they are the same chapter just a decade later.

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interesting cash, thanks

actually i was just reading the hells angels story again.

so that must be the original chapter then , right. they were founded in san bernadino county.

funny thing is that there was this other pic of sympathy from last week with the dude wearing a white jacket over his leather one, and they are the same chapter just a decade later.

Thats the pic I posted of the guy in the dirty Lee's . He's an 1% MC member , Iron Horsemen , from Southern California . The series of pics shown in Life are from 1965 and appear to show a meet/ride of HAMC and Iron Horsemen from So Cal , Berdoo , Fresno to/from Bakersfield. Some great b&w and color pics of Levi 507xx , 501xx, 506xx and the people themselves are fascinating .

Cash is right about the girl wearing the Hells Angels colours and the lack of winged deathshead insignia. Lokks like a late 40s/early 50s pic , if its a Life photo it should be dated .

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sorry mike , i thought it was sympathy, was to lazy to check , but your right of course.

about the pics i postedd not, there was no date on these, thats why i also guess they must be from the late 40 beginning of the 50s.

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