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When the African nation of Genosha passed a law forcing mutant citizens to leave the country a few years ago, Arthur "Longshot" Centino and his mutant girlfriend Spiral were among the few who remained, going underground to promote mutant rights. Longshot's dedication to mutant freedom and his growing hatred of non-powered humans led him to neglect Spiral, who eventually sought solace with Sir Arthur Scheele, a Genoshan politician sympathetic to the mutant cause. Finding them together Longshot was enraged and killed Scheele in a fury before Spiral knocked him unconscious. Hoping to protect Scheele's family from the scandal, Spiral took both Longshot and Scheele's body to a secluded area and left them there. Longshot was soon tried and sentenced to death for Scheele's murder.

Longshot was forced to star in the Genoshan government's "Hunt for Justice" television program, overseen by media mogul Mojo Adams and his aide Major Domo, in which condemned mutants were killed on the neighboring island of Krakoa. Released on Krakoa to be hunted down, Longshot survived far longer than the average contestant, becoming a favorite of the viewing public.

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Guest StuckOnStupid
I know I'm basically a seventeen-year-old wet-behind-the-ears SuFu-wannabe, but most people here seem to have interesting lives and I'm curious how they began and how people ended up where they are. (I'm trying really hard not to seem e-stalkerish.)

mine is going to be short because my life really hasn't started yet.

I still live in the same city I was born in: the typical midwestern, just-shy-of-40,000 residents nowhere. I grew up a nerdy kid who went to the library twice a week (now I go three times a week, but that's because I work there). For the most part, I had few friends until 10th grade when I came out and turned incredibly scene and girls liked me because I was the only token gay scene boy. I've been pretty smart my entire life, and for the most part the top of the heap at my schools, but ever since I started actually leaving my city and meeting people who go to "real" schools where college is expected of almost everyone (we have yearly assemblies begging students to consider college), I've realized I'm not at all as awesome as teachers and adults have trumped me up to be.

That almost caused an identity crisis but I realized there was nothing I could do and accepted the fact that my schooling has stunted my intellectual growth I began to enjoy the fact that my big, public school is ridiculously easy for the smart kids because it doesn't have many (it throws valedictorianship to anybody with a 4.0. Last year we had 15). Honestly, my APs have been my easiest classes.

Now, I'm about to start college. My dream school sent it's acceptance/not letters out today and will e-mail tomorrow afternoon, so basically my life is determined tomorrow. If I'm not accepted I'll end up at University of Michigan, which I won't mind.

I didn't realize that I would end up writing this much about myself, and I didn't want to bother, but now it's your turn. Where did you start and how did you end up where you are?

oh hell man uh listen damn man shut up.

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oh hell man uh listen damn man shut up.

at first I felt really stupid and embarrassed.

then I realized that almost all of your posts are like this and kind of mean but pretty amusing.

and now I'm trying to find a way out.

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Guest youngteam

what pisses me off about this thread is that i thought it was going to be about the origin stories of iron man, thor, captain america, et al.

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We can still hijack this thread.

Origins of Ironman:

"Anthony Stark was born in Long Island, New York. He enters the undergraduate electrical engineering program at MIT while only 15 years old and graduates at the top of his class. At the age of 21, he inherits his father's company, Stark Industries, after his parents are killed in a car accident. One of the first things Stark does is to buy out the company that made the faulty brakes on his parent's car and correct the mechanical problem. While on a visit to Vietnam (later updated to the Gulf War) to see how his new mini-transistors could assist the American war effort, Stark is caught in a booby trap. Captured by a Vietnamese warlord named Wong Chu, and dying from a piece of shrapnel lodged in his heart from the booby trap, Stark is pressed into building weapons for Wong Chu, along with a fellow prisoner, the famed physicist Yin Sen (later called Ho Yinsen). However, Stark and Yin Sen use the workshop to secretly design and construct a suit of powered armor — an iron exoskeleton that gives Stark tremendous strength as well as other abilities — that will not only keep Stark's heart beating, but also allow him to escape. Yin Sen sacrifices himself to buy Stark time to charge the bulky suit of armor, and as Iron Man, Stark makes short work of Wong Chu and his men. On the way back, Iron Man encounters a wounded American Air Force helicopter pilot, Jim Rhodes. Introducing himself as Stark's bodyguard, Iron Man and Rhodes manage to defend themselves against the pursuing North Vietnamese before making it back to American lines. On his return to the US, Stark continues to improve the armor, establishing a dual identity as the adventurer and superhero Iron Man. He also greatly expands his father's company, Stark Industries, eventually renaming it Stark International."

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Guest youngteam

now that's a good read. is tony stark wringing his hands like a dickless asshole about having to settle for the university of michigan? no, he's too busy making indestructible exoskeletons and combating political insurgents abroad.

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you are 17 and you work in the library?

i thought all 17 year olds in the US are too busy riding the ghost whip and playing FOOTBALL and doing beer bongs and getting to 3rd base.

so whats it like being homo in a small town?

are you the only gay in the village?

do u wanna escape to the big smoke or is it not too bad?

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you are 17 and you work in the library?

i thought all 17 year olds in the US are too busy riding the ghost whip and playing FOOTBALL and doing beer bongs and getting to 3rd base.

so whats it like being homo in a small town?

are you the only gay in the village?

do u wanna escape to the big smoke or is it not too bad?

yes, no, boring, basically, the former.

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With a minimal amount of disrespect intended, I sometimes wonder what it is that posseses people to post things like this uninvited.

You see, the intent was for the first post to be ignored and just a starting-off point. I really wasn't posting just to talk about myself, although it does seem that way. It was more a general curiosity about the awesome people on sufu.

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Guest youngteam
and my name is soraanaam and i do the pledge of allegiance

your childlike devotion to the pledge of allegiance has to be some sort of private joke for yourself, yeah? or are you really a low-foreheaded, paste-eating, pledge-reciting monkey who's just barely a biped?

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your childlike devotion to the pledge of allegiance has to be some sort of private joke for yourself, yeah? or are you really a low-foreheaded, paste-eating, pledge-reciting monkey who's just barely a biped?

What the fuck is so wrong with the pledge of allegiance? Yeah I like the country I live in, so STEP OFF! Since when are we even allowed to talk politics anyway.

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