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what are you eating today?


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My favorite thing about being home for Memorial Day Weekend...

Eating and cooking with my mom:

Homemade Dumplings(everything from scratch but the skins):


For dinner we made ribs, pasta, and a salad:





Sauce(tomatoes, olive oil, and garlic)


Fresh Basil :)


Chopped up


All mixed up






Picture limit, continued on next post...

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PB&J Lovers,

Okay, you take one of these


Heat on medium in microwave for mmm34 seconds, then spread this


on thick

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was good, but katzs seems to be falling off lately.. id say if you really want your moneys worth (its pretty pricey) spend a few extra bucks on a much bigger, danker sandwich from the carnegie deli

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Dr. Brown's cream soda too legit.

dino you've let me down man. twice in 1 picture. what could have been greatness has been reduced to noob ass busta shit.

cheese on your corned beef sandwich? nigga please.

cream soda over black cherry? NIGGA PLEASE

you're better than this. do not let me down again after setting such a high bar for yourself.

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dino you've let me down man. twice in 1 picture. what could have been greatness has been reduced to noob ass busta shit.

cheese on your corned beef sandwich? nigga please.

cream soda over black cherry? NIGGA PLEASE

you're better than this. do not let me down again after setting such a high bar for yourself.

I mean, I can feel ya on the cheese bit, but dogg, I needed something else on that shit, like I said, katzs b slippin'

As for the black cherry, I mean it's legit and all, but I don't think I can ever turn my back on a cream soda, been sippin' on that since 94 son.

Why haven't you taken me out on a dinner date yet anyways? Cheap bastid.

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