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how old is old?


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nah, not for me.....i look at my brothers, who are 30/32....and they are still really young.

you're pretty young, right spinmyworld? it's relative....when i was 15 i thought 25 was oh so old....now i'm 24 and 30 doesn't seem that old anymore.

this is old....


this is not...


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I reckon you know you are getting old when you stop buying new music, investigating new things, start just following and doing things you know and are comfortable with.

I read a theory that for most people this is around 26, the sorta age when people start being responsible, start properly 'growing up', stop being irrational with their cash and spending, buy houses, etc etc.

I think there is merit in this theory and that it varies from person to person.

On this board, the age people become resigned to their 'lot' is probably older, but a lot of people I went to school with are already old, or became 'old' in their mid-20s

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I'm past the outer limit but I'm in better shape mentally and physically than I was when I was 18 through most of my twenties. Life is sweet now, cos I haven't switched off and don't intend to, so I'm trying new things and living how I want with the knowledge and experience to back it up.

Only thing I find is it's a bit weird seeing friends and acquaintances pack up, settle down, or get rich. But I wouldn't change my scheme for much.

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i'm old at 22....

i work fulltime in the corporate world with all people who are atleast 35+

i come home and just want to go to sleep or chill with my girlfriend for a few hours watching a movie or something relaxing like that

my friends complain i don't hangout enough cause they aren't old yet

i actually save alot of money

I HAVE A 401K...


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