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how old is old?


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I just turned 24 this week. Guess I better sign up for AARP, look into buying a Rascal Scooter, put in an order for a BOSE Wave Radio and watch Fox News all night. Been looking at some limited edition collector USA coins too! Wheres my Ensure??!?!?

But honestly, I dont want to be young ( <22 ) Punk ass little shits the lot of 'em

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are you fuckin kidding me?

all chinese women tend to become crones after 40-something, with little exception.. seriously man, i think out of all the races they have the worst crone-itis. wops come in a close second, followed by all easter eropean women. yuck. blacks lead the pack as far as keeping it sexy...filipinos look darn good in the later years as well.

well damn, i meant filipinos then. the bitch was filipino. oh and moms looked good too, implants and all.

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seriously though, majority of asian people age real well. i once had a gf who was 28 and always got IDed even for cigarettes. and you only have to be 18 to buy them in NY.

i'm asian and i am often told that i look 6-8yrs junior than my real age.

but us asian females, we look super young until we are about 60, and after that we age super rapidly and look like walking zombies :(

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i'm asian and i am often told that i look 6-8yrs junior than my real age.

but us asian females, we look super young until we are about 60, and after that we age super rapidly and look like walking zombies :(

Ha hah. So true. I never see 'middle ground' older asian women.

They are either young, middle aged looking, or unbelievably goddamn old looking.

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Ha hah. So true. I never see 'middle ground' older asian women.

They are either young, middle aged looking, or unbelievably goddamn old looking.

That reminds me of that John Stewart book "America" where it praises Russian women for their beautiful young women and their hearty older women and the speed at which one becomes the other haha

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i'm asian and i am often told that i look 6-8yrs junior than my real age.

but us asian females, we look super young until we are about 60, and after that we age super rapidly and look like walking zombies :(

quoted for truth. I'm 20 and it's rare that somebody pegs me (no homo) at an age higher than 18

but to quote lil cease --

don't be fooled by the baby face

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i'm asian and i am often told that i look 6-8yrs junior than my real age.

but us asian females, we look super young until we are about 60, and after that we age super rapidly and look like walking zombies :(

Some people take a decade+ off my age. I've been told to leave liquor stores, and have been denied alcohol in restaurants (with my parents too).

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Old is old enough to know that the joke attributed to George Costanza has also been attributed to George Carlin and Andy Rooney.


Old is always ten years older than you are right now. ;)

whats weird is i read that exact same quote yesterday and searched for its origins.

i love coincidences.

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That reminds me of that John Stewart book "America" where it praises Russian women for their beautiful young women and their hearty older women and the speed at which one becomes the other haha

Too true. All of eastern europe is like this...

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  • 6 months later...

i believe the important question is- at what age is a dude too old to be inserting things into a girl with the word "teen" still attached to the end of her age? (disclaimer: im referring more toward the NINEteen end of the teen scale)

(further disclaimer: my girl is currently 26. this is more of a distant future / mid-life crisis reference sort of thing) ;)

(final disclaimer: no creepy)

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