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Missed Connections - SuFu edition, no homo


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I keep seeing that one guy hanging around my university, and in the back of my mind, I always wonder if he's actually posting on Sufu.

I just saw him in the library today: Black long sleeve top, selveged raw denim, tan boots possibly N.D.C....short dark hair...

Maybe he just dresses well -- maybe there's a world outside of Superfuture...:confused:

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a. when people see other people, why are they embarassed to go up to them and say whats up? you're already awkward and gay for posting pictures of yourself on the internet just go all the way

b. ive noticed that +++jcrew.apc.clarks has become the outfit of EVERY guy ive met in the last 3 months

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Apparently my little bro met Dino yesterday.

Claims he stifled the desire to go "zomg! I've seen you on the internetz!"

wait, did he meet me or see me? whats his name?

you: one of the junya jackets from the moto season. tights. AMAZING short hair. a pair of THOSE red soles.

youre probably way too classy/rich/cultured for me, but i just want to let you know how amazing you looked. oh...wait...youll never read this.

woe is me.

lib, i coulda sworn i saw you inside some mex joint or something walking with the momz over the weekend and shouted david but whoever didnt turn. what hairstyle you rockin' now? mullet?

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I keep seeing that one guy hanging around my university, and in the back of my mind, I always wonder if he's actually posting on Sufu.

I just saw him in the library today: Black long sleeve top, selveged raw denim, tan boots possibly N.D.C....short dark hair...

Maybe he just dresses well -- maybe there's a world outside of Superfuture...:confused:

i dont believe it.

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wait, did he meet me or see me? whats his name?

lib, i coulda sworn i saw you inside some mex joint or something walking with the momz over the weekend and shouted david but whoever didnt turn. what hairstyle you rockin' now? mullet?

wasnt at a mex joint and def wasnt with my mom...hmm...its just a mullet really with a slightly shaved side...

was he pretty? or pretty gay? or pretty fly?

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last night at the robson & burrard 98 b-line stop.

tall, lanky chinese guy. fitted black m65 jacket + dh raw denimz + white common projects (i think) + black backpack.

you had a u-pass so that narrows it down to student at ubc or sfu. if it's the latter, hollaa!

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b. ive noticed that +++jcrew.apc.clarks has become the outfit of EVERY guy ive met in the last 3 months

Saw a guy on campus today wearing this, doubt he is from the future though. Probably wouldn't suspect someone was from the future unless they had self edge gear on. Never the less I tried making eye contact with the dude in APCs and Clark's but he seemed distracted.

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How do you guys know it's APCs? Every company makes raw looking jeans now, even mall stores and mid level non-sufu brands. The denim is kinda recognizable i guess. Just wondering though.

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anybody from CT in here? I've only seen one girl out and about at school dressed well enough to the point that I was actually surprised and took notice... not that i expect many women read sufu. just sayin'


but I don't live there on the regular now


when I'm there,

I'm nowhere near you.

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Chrono as weird as this sounds I guess I just knew? I wore APC's everyday for about a year so they are pretty easily recognizable to me.

I guess i never see APC around here. I thought i saw a pair awhile back that had similar denim and fit with no branding, but i couldn't tell for sure. Plus, it would've been the first pair i've seen here. I've seen a couple nudies and this guy who used to but now never posts on sufu has a pair of skulls. I noticed them before i knew he was a sufu member and was kinda confused. Whatevs.

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One guy around has a pair of pre-wash diors, girl with a pair of Rick Owens and a guy with the Rick high-tops / possible rip-offs as well as a guy whose occasionally decked in Willhelm. That's just some of the freshman / sophomore class so there might be more. So far, I doubt any of them are from Superfuture.

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