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the "ask an asian" thread.


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Whitney : Just little things but after you gave your piece on it , it fades out in my mind as just different cultures that are used to various ways of doing things. Yeah I was just spewing out my personal experience with my friends a lot of them date Asian women so I'm like whats going on there lol thats all

William lol thats true I like Asian girls, but thats what any race I guess I don't hold anything back based on race/ethnici... Your right about hood dudes do scold Asian girls for lack of body, they want some od azz/titaysss

Another thing thats funny is my good friend/co-worker Rich who is Filipino grew up in L.E.S and everything is allowed to say nigga and everyone is cool with it , all carry on good

But co-worker at my job is also 100 %Filipino and I know if he said it people would be like "whatt..." lol thats just something funny I peeped. There are a lot of Cambodians in the Bronx also and everyone is cool with the nigga stuff just something funny I found.

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^^^the darker your skin is, the more acceptable it is to say shit like that

  Jkissi7 said:
Majority of my white friends have Asian girlfriends , I always wondered what is that about. Honest question do Asian girls prefer White males over their own?

in US, yes

  whitney said:
well if you want to understand about why Asian tourists are generally rude first thing would be to explain or give example of said rudeness cos you can't truly try to be open and see from their perspective unless you can explain why you've come to perceive them as rude..we can't do our best to enlighten you.

any tourist of any race would be rude to obnoxious loudass Americans assuming non-whites are tourists, also I'm first gen from immigrant fam and honestly, they don't give a fuck what anyone outside of their community and family say/think and they stingy as hell so basically their perceived rudeness is lack of giving a fuck

  whitney said:

as for the white guys with Asian chicks I can't answer that but there's Asian guys with white chicks so everything sort if balances out? (I hope)

no, the ratio is like 3:1 for whiteguy:asiangirl / asianguy:whitegirl

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I've never known a mixed child whose father was Japanese.

all the mixed Japanese/Chinese dad's be Chinese

and immigrants too, not some Americanized w/e

on the azns looking down on azns thing

it's about how cocky you are about your race

korean->japanese->taiwanese->hong kong->mainlander->viet->cambodian

in terms of pride and cockyness, not ranking on who is better or someish

koreans be looking down on everyone :/

yea i koreans are too harsh on other races. if its not korean its not good. i remember i said fuck koreans jokingly in school and literally all the koreans in my grade came up in a group and talked to me. my other friend also did the same thing. except he got decked in the face. his fucking girlfriend was korean -_-'.

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jikissi, I have a friend who is adopted (ethnicity like Thai, Tibetan, Filipino, etc) . His adoptive family is like ultra rich - dad was ex 49er, white upper class shit right? so basically he channels hood and dresses urban black youth ish and says nigga, uses ebonics w/e on the regular, no one cares. to most of his friends, but I've known this guy since grade school and he talks to me in this regular, white American type proper English

it's just how society judges you, like if you dark, it's all good,but unless you are black, then being light skinned will get your ass beat for saying that shit

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  LeatherSeatBelt said:
yea i koreans are too harsh on other races. if its not korean its not good. i remember i said fuck koreans jokingly in school and literally all the koreans in my grade came up in a group and talked to me. my other friend also did the same thing. except he got decked in the face. his fucking girlfriend was korean -_-'.

this would make it worse, most azn guys don't like non azns w/ azn women

not me, just sayin

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Guest jmatsu
  jeepster said:
are most azn's conservative by nature?

most of my azn friends voted for mccain

except that's only like 5 people.

please answer.

probably cause most asians like chocolate faces in rap videos not in white house.

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But at the same time Asians are successful in the fields they choose, but it seems Politics seems not to be one of them. As far as what I notice though seems to still have that real strong connection with their homeland maybe? I don't know just shooting here

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  jeepster said:
are most azn's conservative by nature?

most of my azn friends voted for mccain

except that's only like 5 people.

please answer.

Asians are fuck u I worked for my shit, you get yours on your own by nature. Most asians would vote for jessie the body ventura if he was a legit candidate.

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^I cracked a smile cos it is dead on. that's why I never discuss politics with Asian friends. if I did I'd lose 80% of them.


any tourist of any race would be rude to obnoxious loudass Americans assuming non-whites are tourists, also I'm first gen from immigrant fam and honestly, they don't give a fuck what anyone outside of their community and family say/think and they stingy as hell so basically their perceived rudeness is lack of giving a fuck

no, the ratio is like 3:1 for whiteguy:asiangirl / asianguy:whitegirl

I think it's just a generalization in general. tourists being rude. maybe it's the idea of being in a place where no one really knows you therefore you can let your inner bitchness surface.

as for the ratio comment, that's why I placed (I hope)

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  Akura said:
Why do asians care so much about eyelids? I was born in the states and most of my friends don't care but when ever I go back to Taiwan people are always talkin about fuckin eyelids!

Getting double eyelids in Korea is now a natural procedure for most girls from highschool. Shit even my mom tried convincing my sister of getting her eyes done so her eyes will look pretty.

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no azn I know is conservative, but I live in cali so almost no one I know is conservative

What are you defining as conservative? I live on the east coast but for the most part asians are on that Christian influence tip. They might be fucking, drinking, smoking weed, and aborting that mixed race fetus before their rich grandma finds out about it but when it comes to vote they are going to toe the conservative line almost all the time. Plus asians aren't busting asses to get to med school so they can get taxed 40% once they start making some bank.

Plus this whole argument is moot because we all know asians don't fucking vote anyway, which is why I know me and my kid will never taste the savory flavor of free government cheese.

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A week or so ago I went to a boba/tea shop with winq to chill. 95% of the customers were ABC, 2 confused white people, and 3 HK fobs. It was kinda reverse culture shock for me.

The fuckin menus were in the order of ENGLISH FIRST, CHINESE SECOND, PRICE.

After living in Taiwan for a year, I find that tolerating inauthentic experiences is somehow confusing and strange for me.


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Oh by the way,

in Taiwan, no one drinks boba anymore. They just started to try to push out "boba strips". When it finally arrives in America 3 years from today, please don't consume it. It's actually worse than normal boba.

Asking an asian: do you guys actually like boba, or is it because your mom told you to like it?


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