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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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i respect homme's fit with a passion but one thing tho, i wish that haircut was something else
I wish you would just shutup for a bit..


given out too much rep in 24 hrs GAY

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Guest jmatsu
my bad but people were talking about you walking in the wrong neighborhood and shit

anyway, serious moment bring it on, waywt from sat. night:



shirt detail:


nigga u b dressed like a gay rodeo clown.

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Yeah, he does. Off in the corner, out of the frame, I'm sitting on a chaise with a Victorian prostitute, where we're both racked on opium and I am sneaking my hand up her corset.

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Guest jmatsu
You shouldn't call it that just because Clopek's mom lives there.


oh...so that's how his mom could afford to buy him his sunglasses!

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