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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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if those dum shots are not foto-shoped, I bow to your 1337 camera skillz

*looks like you did like, a realshoot with a big ass light and everything, and since you are on the east coast I bet this was at night*

btw, can't wait for the sidxcheep collab (I know this is coming up very soon)

or the sidxwest2xdino....

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if those dum shots are not foto-shoped, I bow to your 1337 camera skillz

*looks like you did like, a realshoot with a big ass light and everything, and since you are on the east coast I bet this was at night*

Rep Sidney for them.

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Kosmetique Label pea coat

3.1 Philip Lim scarf henley

PBJ XX-007


almost there.... lose the shoes however. gola's are just too ordinary to accompany the rest of your fit. the shirt goes well with the coat (though i wonder how you will manage to wear this out considering the humidity as of late) plus i like that particular tone of blue with black. perhaps a slimmer/tight pair of jeans in a similar shade might help you pull off the high-fashion ascetic look--if that is in fact what you are going for--rather than confused consumer. but definately swap the shoes for something a little more well designed or with an equivalent amount of depth. i'm thinking your aldens might actually work here seeing as they dont directly contradict any other aspect of your fit, since henleys and peacoats are somewhat classic garments.

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almost there.... lose the shoes however. gola's are just too ordinary to accompany the rest of your fit. the shirt goes well with the coat (though i wonder how you will manage to wear this out considering the humidity as of late) plus i like that particular tone of blue with black. perhaps a slimmer/tight pair of jeans in a similar shade might help you pull off the high-fashion ascetic look--if that is in fact what you are going for--rather than confused consumer. but definately swap the shoes for something a little more well designed or with an equivalent amount of depth. i'm thinking your aldens might actually work here seeing as they dont directly contradict any other aspect of your fit, since henleys and peacoats are somewhat classic garments.

Sincere thanks for the advice.

Oh yeah, I'm in a freezing office all day long hence me being able to wear this. And the second fit is what I'd wear after work when I'm just loungin'.

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