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holy fuck can people stop wearing short sleeve shirts over long sleeve shirts, it looks fucking retarded

unless you're me and you're snowboarding, then it looks ok

ann demulemeester, cheap monday, julian red, thrift

that vest sucks

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american apparel


apc nike

Why do you creep me out?

it's a combination of things

the hunched posture makes him look sort of like degenerate

the full beards has a sort of Ted Kaczynski vibe to it

the glasses and neat hair of that particular style make people think of pedophiles and that sort of steve buscemi type, or maybe a serial killer, the kind that's really meticulous and ocd

any one of these things in an ordinary person wouldn't be too offputting but when you combine them all in one individual and dress him in dark clothing the overall effect is one which makes you instinctively react with terror and disgust

but i mean, no offense jwied, i'm sure you're a nice guy in person

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it's a combination of things

the hunched posture makes him look sort of like degenerate

the full beards has a sort of Ted Kaczynski vibe to it

the glasses and neat hair of that particular style make people think of pedophiles and that sort of steve buscemi type, or maybe a serial killer, the kind that's really meticulous and ocd

any one of these things in an ordinary person wouldn't be too offputting but when you combine them all in one individual and dress him in dark clothing the overall effect is one which makes you instinctively react with terror and disgust

but i mean, no offense jwied, i'm sure you're a nice guy in person

and i'm sure my receding hairline doesn't help either. but i guess that fits in with the buscemi reference.

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holy fuck can people stop wearing short sleeve shirts over long sleeve shirts, it looks fucking retarded

C'mon, fool, that shit is straight up Harajuka Street steez '95. I remember when kids used to be line up for that shit, rockin' that Billabong/WTAPS/ Amekaji straight up brand synergy OG Street. Shut your mouth and never talk that way about streetwear again, I might have to put up some scans from old magazines or some shit and embarass your ass.

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