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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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doctorworm, you always take shots on the roof. if you ever fall off, make sure you fall right when your camera takes the picture, k?

but i do hope you don't fall off :)

How great of a picture would that make though... ignore what ken says, i say fall off your roof during a picture and you will get mad rep. and a nice cast.

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what you need to do is:

get a hair cut


buy jeans that suit your figure, rather than just fall all over you

but its not a bad pic.

i'm actually getting a hair cut tomorrow, haha, and i just realized how wierd that picture makes my jeans look. they're not actually that drapey (that's probably not a word) and i think they'll fit perfectly once i soak them. thanks for being constructive

doctorworm, you always take shots on the roof. if you ever fall off, make sure you fall right when your camera takes the picture, k?

but i do hope you don't fall off :)

hahaha, i'm glad you don't want me to die. i was trying to think of some way to do a fake falling off pic, i think it would be funny. it's not even super high actually


How great of a picture would that make though... ignore what ken says, i say fall off your roof during a picture and you will get mad rep. and a nice cast.

hahahahaha, i just saw this. sacrificing myself for rep, if i ever did that i think it would be time to re-evaluate the importance of things in my life, haha

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Guest jmatsu
see, here's the thing dipshit. i'm not sure where you got the jock thing from, but kudos, that is next level hilarity right there. i mean, loves nu rave and electronic and house? wears raw denim and AA? posts on Superfuture? holy shit man, you can pratically smell the Polo sport can't you?

Think i dont dress well? congratulations on having a pile of name brand high fashion shit stacked on top of itself. kinda gets one thinking..."how does someone who wears such clothing on a daily basis afford it? surely he doesn't work in an office setting, or one in which he is required to maintain a modicum of professionalism." then it hit me. You have a surplus of money because, without (non internet based) friends you don't really spend a whole lot of cash on things like partying with the guys, drinks at a bar with people who you can't buffer your conversations with (to sound as witty as possible), and clearly no girls to lavish with jewellery and flowers (we all know why you dont bother with the rep reacharound thread...you and robi are more than satisfied in the reacharound department). but somehow, with your size 30 waist and your surplus of money and Raf Simons shit, you haven't managed to buy even a 10th of the style that say...Cultpop has managed (on a clearly more meager allowance for clothing).

You used to be a dick, and i'm sure its gonna look like now i'm just upset cuz you decided to turn it around on me...but really man, you've descended to the level of a common e-troll, shitting on anything and everything in the hopes of gaining a cheap laugh.

congratulations, you're mediocre at best.

that sure took you long enough.

for one thing, i can see through your entire list of shit you think you like. nu rave/house/raw denim? it's obvious that you just picked up on the so-called "trendy" shit that other various sufu posters fancy (alittle late, but at least your trying).judging by your limited knowledge of all subjects either you're very naive or don't have the ability to retain anything. either that or you're basically appealing to what you think is the sufu uniform sensibility and thus marginalizing the board. either way you come off like a total jerkoff.

your assumptions about my personal life are childish and obscenely fictious. almost every comment i've made about you is from the stupidity you've overabundantly displayed or implied here. you're just making it worse on yourself (wow that's a real surprise) by saying shit that will never really surface. "i don't spend money on women nor do i go drinking with guys and party (?) and blah blah blah. "

i sure hope your manifesto was worth it. if i'm a troll then you're just an insect who happens to be a member of superfuture.. so do me a favor and shut your ridiculous mouth. you can't even front that well.

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Guest jmatsu
yeah making hugely exaggerated generalizations about someone you don't know is a little silly isn't it?

that's how you look and come off by the shit you say. like a frat boy. just as i could safely assume that cultpop likes punkrock and skateboarding.

i mean your entire logic about my personal life and consumer habits is ridiculously far-fetched and i'm sure you know it. how many braincells did burn for that futile essay?

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Guest jmatsu
have you LISTENED to yourself lately? fuck this its late. PM me or something so you can try and sound tough and funny. watch what you say though, or me and the fucking varsity football team will come kick your ass.

your attempt of light heartenly trying to nulify this converstaion/gracefully give up is so typical. pm you? no thanks i prefer that you humiliate yourself in public. good night. have fun listening to "nu rave, electronic and house."

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Solstik has to have set a recored for highest amount of rep received with less than 100 post, or maybe bizzy still holds that?

its a close game i think, but its easy to have such a ratio when you combine taste with only posting in waywt. for that reason, both disqualified on a technicality.

thanks cult. its an '05. these pictures are sort of old buy now but the only addition since then is the front rack which you can see in that picture^. eventually itlle be totally modded out. i need a cowling guard, front fender guard, and about 10 more mirrors though as it is right now. maybe a couple more headlamps wouldnt hurt either..



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Guest jmatsu



ann demeulemeester


y's by yohji

nice fit. i know you're probably busy enjoying all the pleasures that thailand has to offer, but if you've got the time could i get a close up and more 411 on the yohji's. thanks.

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