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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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  Whodinihimself said:
that fit is an eyesore Kissi....lose the tie, untuck the shirt and change the shoes to less beefy lowcuts. Those long shorts (or short pants) with chukkas is making your legs look dwarfish...get some deck shoes maybe

True, I wouldn't go that far though lol damn son, but in all seriousness this was a second thought going with the wallys instead of clean profile shoes I had in mind the first time it was just that I didn't have it so I tried to make due with what I had. I like to hear peoples opinion on things like this , I mean we all try new things to see whats up. Personally I like my outfit ofcourse the way it is just change of shoes would be all I would change, and unrolling the pants for it doesn't look too much like shorts. thanks for the feedback though man

  sonicvoodoo said:
I always dig your steeze and us Bx boyz need to stick together but there's way too much goin on with this one. I dig the pants but think they don't work so well as long shorts. This whole aesthetic is too busy for me. The patch pants are cool but not in this context. I have a pair somewhere. However, I love that you are not afraid to "push the envelope" and are willing to experiment. I'd rep if I could

Thanks man yeah I know what you mean I tried to use different textures/palettes for this one to see what I could come up with to make it work. We need to chill one of these summer days man riverdale it up man lol

  goat said:
basically what i was thinking

but keep doing you my dude

and if we upset you a bit, just hop on over to HB....there will definitely be a slew of youngsters that will tell you that you can't do wrong.


Lol Charles thats why I didn't post over there man I know what I will get there , and I know what I will get here and Styleforum honest opinions and feedback about it.

I rather people say something about my fit then just past it and +rep , my problem is I get bored quick with a routine fit so I try to do new things.

+rep for all of ya

  un- said:
This is pretty throwed.

good looks my brother its been a while man, pm me

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  Jkissi7 said:
True, I wouldn't go that far though lol damn son, but in all seriousness this was a second thought going with the wallys instead of clean profile shoes I had in mind the first time it was just that I didn't have it so I tried to make due with what I had. I like to hear peoples opinion on things like this , I mean we all try new things to see whats up. Personally I like my outfit ofcourse the way it is just change of shoes would be all I would change, and unrolling the pants for it doesn't look too much like shorts. thanks for the feedback though man

Thanks man yeah I know what you mean I tried to use different textures/palettes for this one to see what I could come up with to make it work. We need to chill one of these summer days man riverdale it up man lol

Lol Charles thats why I didn't post over there man I know what I will get there , and I know what I will get here and Styleforum honest opinions and feedback about it.

I rather people say something about my fit then just past it and +rep , my problem is I get bored quick with a routine fit so I try to do new things.

+rep for all of ya

good looks my brother its been a while man, pm me

Kissi, you take criticism like a champ...i admire you for that

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Guest jmatsu
  jeepster said:
those sandal's are a little fem, jmat. rest is par the course, but the sandal's just make it a little Brianboy.

not necessarily a bad thing, just not my cup of tea.

i was thinking that they did look sorta fem in the pic. it's the minor detail that not all the toes are exposed the ends via pinkytoes are curved/covered and such. feel that is probably the most offensive shit of the jawns. promise that the side profile look more spartan warrior then maiden though.

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Guest jmatsu
  jeepster said:
I just don't agree with that top strap for the most part. everything else about them is pretty kosher save for the fact that they're mandals.

okay then we don't agree on what makes them look fem (4 this particular pic imo). not just defending the mandals featured in my fit, but all mandals. top straps 4 men's sandals are common place in the later part of this era (and even more prevalent in the recent s/s seasons) as they were in ancient times.

anyway they kosher. leather is not boar and the toe area is circumcised.

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Guest jmatsu
  Sayword said:
jmat no homo, but to me it seems like the focal point in many of the fits you put up is your package area

don't really understand, but it's ok. i know u like titties and vagines.

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Guest jmatsu
  mydenvermax said:
I'm having crazy deja vu about where you are sitting. This honolulu? King and Kawaiahao? Guess that area all looks the same, but whatever.

I'm in favor of the mandals.

is in honolulu, but i don't even know what king and kawaiahao is. did u used to buy krak in chinatown?

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  jmatsu said:
okay then we don't agree on what makes them look fem (4 this particular pic imo). not just defending the mandals featured in my fit, but all mandals. top straps 4 men's sandals are common place in the later part of this era (and even more prevalent in the recent s/s seasons) as they were in ancient times.

anyway they kosher. leather is not boar and the toe area is circumcised.

lolled at that last part

well played.

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i really like the sandals. have been looking for a pair since the plutocratic nonsense in the us means i can't walk anywhere in bare feet.

there is something fem about your fit, more to do with the pants and how they fit through the crotch/thighs,

as a rule of thumb with mens pants, none of the seam below the j stitch of the fly should be visible, i don't think that hiding those stiches between the cleve of your nuts quite has the same masculine effect.

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Guest jmatsu
  cutebutdeadly said:

here u go fishy tits-

you b eating that soggy chinkee ching chong muffin...

soggy char siu bao. lol u just a corny white girl in the body of a corny chinee girl who attempting that corny korean girl who wanna b a corny jap girl. you not even asian.

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WhoGotMeIntoThis - nice, but i'm hoping you're not gonna ruin it by wearing that red supreme hat in your hand

or those wayfarers (i think) in your pocket

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