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you come over here n say that
oh man, eunuchs are cool

no man, my balls are pretty much there, im sure you cann feel them, suck em to if you feel like it, whatever, cleopatra was a pleased lady tonight when she found out the game :cool:

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Yo resident evil 5 is soooo good final battle so great

I borrowed it but now I need to buy it

probably off of ebay for cheap, because that's me


im cheap i got re2 for n64 for $10 and am playing on a borrowed console >: )

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baby, we are way more violent here... you guys don't curse as much as we do...

ouais... c,est vrai que t'as l'air un peu con, hein là, julien?

oui je me suis fais avoir ... woooops

i have a friend from montreal, i always beat him at xbox and he curses like a mofo (saying stuff i've never heard here, i love it).

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post two thou six hunny

why am i still up? it's nearly five and i've got class tomorrow. i played taboo for the first time with a bunch of my brother's friends and it's pretty fun. want to play moaaar

taboo - ah childhood memories :cool:

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you know the club u go to is lame when guys have a dance off to chris brown...and throws money into the air n other guys take the money n run.

ok so what i danced to that song too, but i was slamming my friends head into an invisible car window.

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post two thou six hunny

why am i still up? it's nearly five and i've got class tomorrow. i played taboo for the first time with a bunch of my brother's friends and it's pretty fun. want to play moaaar

Have you played Apples to Apples? You'll probably enjoy that too.

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What's taboo?

it's a board game where you have a huge deck of cards. on the card is one main word you're trying to get your teammates to guess, and five words you're not supposed to say while describing that word.

i haven't played apples to apples before. i hear good things about it though. will look into it ;D

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