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landho landho landho landho landho landho landho landho landho landho landho landho

landho landho landho landho landho landho landho landho landho landho landho landho

. calrissian.:cool:

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is the jane of the jungle in italy at the moment??

jj is a-okay

thank you teegy for thinking of me

I am luckily far away from the earthquake and didn't feel it. sucks for all the ppl that live in the little towns that were wiped out tho :(:(

i'm sad for them but i'm also happy today because I passed an exam, yay :):)

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LAWL my roommate walked in on me lipsynching to "My All" earlier tonight.. :(

I was dancing and singing 'poker face' at the top of my lungs yesterday, looked out the window to the building in front of mine, and saw 3 beefy ukranian guys on their balcony cracking up at my harmoniez


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1pm is best.

kunk puts up. Thursday it is!

Say 2 pm? Or is 1 better for you?

Not to snitch, but I cavorted around town with habia and I will vouch for his outstanding character. He even took offense when I flapped my misogynist gums, just out of principle. Then we met up with fookums and they watched me eat a chicken sandwich.


scott.M, I've seen the original Transformers: The Movie more times than I've seen any other movie. No jokes. I know all the first-generation Transformers, from Prowl to Ironhide to Thundercracker to Skywarp to Ravage and Brawn and all the rest. I played the shit out of my Transformers when I was a child.

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listen, i know there are chicks that post here and i'm not trying to be sexist or anything. but i just finished reading this article and almost pissed my pants from laughing so hard. my morning is now on the upswing.

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I was dancing and singing 'poker face' at the top of my lungs yesterday, looked out the window to the building in front of mine, and saw 3 beefy ukranian guys on their balcony cracking up at my harmoniez




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my computer or itunes wont detect my ipod, gna kill someone.

and my fucking left eye wont stop twitching.

im sure i look crazy.

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Fuck Microsoft - only 3 months as well.


do not use it as a weapon next time and it'll be fine. i had that one for ages and it still works.

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Damn most American college grads are bitchass as fuck. The one good thing about this recession is that it's knocking some reality into a lot of kids who need some perception.

So many kids I know think that they deserve 50k+ straight outta college no matter what fucking job they do. I'm rolling my eyes when I hear them talk.

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