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anywaays, why would her partner in crime wanna fuck her?

She's pregnant = fat.

Fat = uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh.

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since i've been reading Hunter Thompson and William Burroughs lately I've been inspired to start my own semi-autobiographical book of fiction tentatively titled The Cigarette Diaries (it was either this or The Punter Diaries) but can't ever seem to get started...

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Tilly and the Wall is so gooood.

resisting urge to neg rep...i feel so mean when i do that.

i dreamt that my dogs chewed up my Alaias last night and I flipped out when I woke up and had to check them very carefully for marks...perhaps i like shoes too much? :confused:

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resisting urge to neg rep...i feel so mean when i do that.

i dreamt that my dogs chewed up my Alaias last night and I flipped out when I woke up and had to check them very carefully for marks...perhaps i like shoes too much? :confused:

did it for you.

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resisting urge to neg rep...i feel so mean when i do that.

i dreamt that my dogs chewed up my Alaias last night and I flipped out when I woke up and had to check them very carefully for marks...perhaps i like shoes too much? :confused:

no such thing. I have a pair of ss06 suede balenciaga shoes that I love so much, I would rather scooch through a huge grimy street puddle on my ass with my feet in the air rather than risk ruining the soft beige suede goodness of those heels.

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^I would probably film this


Also I believe all sufuers should get themselves in an altered state of mind and go enjoy Horton Hears a Who. It was incredibly worth while.

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Work under pressure is always the key.

Or don't do it at all. Seems to work out in the end anyways.

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Im still processing jane schooching through a puddle on her ass with her feet in the air.

Wait is this the confessions thread?


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bagels with cream cheese and onions are so goddamn good.
What I wouldn't give for a bagel right now.

i had a bagel with smoked salmon, cream cheese and some spinach leaves for lunch today....it was delightful.

it reminded me of vancouver.....i wanna head back to north america.

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it's fine but i'm having trouble sleeping before 1 AM as of late....too many cigarettes maybe.

superfuture doesnt do a half bad job either...

facebook is the killer of motivation and promoter of procrastination

superfuture doesnt do a half bad job either...

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hey! it's facebook & superfuture that have been my main procrastination websites these days!

i am not done my essay. i still have an hour and a half to work on it, two and a half hours if i cheat on my computer time and pretend to send it in before class rather than at the end of class


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