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never longer than the knee :cool:

you gotta be able to run after hitting people with a beer bottle!

i wanna wear my dress on a date, in that case, it would be:

gotta be able to run from that expensive restaurant where you just had a delicious meal (without paying)

long dresses need to come back

look so good sometimes

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my last day of school was today, and it was boring/stupid concept. there should be a rule against test/finals on the last day, it should be spent socializing and having fun.

got my volunteer work all lined up too, working with kids for the whole summer. going to be so fun! (5)

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are all the guys owning a hifi store and all their customers psycho ? i've been in 3 today trying to figure out what to buy and didn't see any normal person. i don't care if the A640 isn't technically more powerful than the A240 but better with bigger speakers and no i won't be able to afford all the things you proposed me i just want good sound for not too much.

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are all the guys owning a hifi store and all their customers psycho ? i've been in 3 today trying to figure out what to buy and didn't see any normal person. i don't care if the A640 isn't technically more powerful than the A240 but better with bigger speakers and no i won't be able to afford all the things you proposed me i just want good sound for not too much.






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but i only get to use the computer thing when the men are out of the house.


yesterday morning, grazing under the constituent of interactively exploring human sexuality,

i came.

to Realize that, in the future .. . the only time in which a female

will remain good and beautiful are during the moments in between the birth

and around 3 to 4 years of age (.46 large dog years,) or 5(.5 LDY) years (depending

mostly upon

the amounts of diluted insoluables (chicken-nugget hormones and artificial proteins.)

this of course, is the number of years in which it: takes said female to

reach the height of a table, which in turn houses a neat, prepped computer console package, or

Desktop Computer.

if i ever was to bare a woman child (or two or Three), i maintain the sincerest desire to preserve her

in this state i plan to... invent a table. a table with the cranial capacity for fine-tuning

its own gravity. of course, prototypes would be tuned manually i would adjust the

height of the table at a rate to mimic that of my daughter`s own bone growths. she

would know nothing of ``Ladders`` or ``Laptops`` because i will for-bid the etter ``L.``

she would grow and grow, through adolescence upwards into second and Third adolescence or more politely, (womanhood)

never able to reach this computer she will remain my Sublime white rose kept, frozen, inside that

timebomb now called my ``heart.``

all of such completely farce however, you and i both know: that in the future we

will have advanced far beyond the need for daughters, and tables too.

merely exposing atypical perverse fancies that leap

across fences in my head like emaciated sheep.

counting them backwards from infinity is what keeps me from cumming.

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finding a replacement for my pista is turning into a huge hassle. All the canadian dealers don't seem to know anything. And I get the feeling all the Americans are trying to rip me off.

the bianchi pista?

you know it's time for something more exotic then. like this one time i was looking for a house and when we looked at one, there were 3 Looks, a Felt, and two Trek Madones.

Made me cry.

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^it's really fucking bullshit.

besides the fact that there are mad ppl w/ the same names, they pick a fucking FRIDAY night to do this?

doesn't HAVE to be your name bro, i've got something mad clever up my sleeve ahha, think they purposefully picked a friday because they figured more people would be out, otherwise it would crash for sure.

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