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i had them every semester and they were probably tougher than the university finals i just did

no wonder most 1st year kids at university are undereducated

makes sense. I even went to a "distinguished California high school"

I wasn't prepared when i went into college. Not because the material was hard, but rather because it was the grading system was completely different.

Most Poli sci classes are just 2 midterms and a final, maybe substitute an exam with a paper, but that was generally it. College seemed way easier than high school because cheating was so easy. Never really studied

Notes on my ipod is how i graduated

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i dont ever remember finals in HS

The principal of my little brother's school called me, telling me that he never went to today's final. It seams like he doesn't mind falling his classes.I don't really care, but my parents do. Todays dinner will be funny

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makes sense. I even went to a "distinguished California high school"

I wasn't prepared when i went into college. Not because the material was hard, but rather because it was the grading system was completely different.

Most Poli sci classes are just 2 midterms and a final, maybe substitute an exam with a paper, but that was generally it. College seemed way easier than high school because cheating was so easy. Never really studied

Notes on my ipod is how i graduated

Everything after High school graduation has been a long summer vacation.

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what grade is an E?

in the US it goes A,B,C,D,F

they skip E for some reason......

or E,G, P and whtever else is in that weird system....

over here we have 1st (70%+, but harder to get than a 90 in most american schools), 2.1 (60%+), 2.2 (50%+), 3rd (40%+), and fail

yeah our system is retardedly arbitrary whutup

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what grade is an E?

in the US it goes A,B,C,D,F

they skip E for some reason......

or E,G, P and whtever else is in that weird system....

We have A*, A+, A, A- (etc) until D-. All those are technically passes then E+, E, E- count as a fail and then we have U for ungraded.

At university we have First, 2.1, 2.2, third, fail. Oh and % for those grades vary depending on the Uni.

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yo so i got this great job that allows me to watch movies and surf the web all day and it pays pretty great, but i'm finally starting college (1 yr hiatus) and i'm not sure if I should go full time or half time. The upside to full time is that it would drastically help me with my portfolio and allow me to transfer into the school of my original choice easier. The down side is that I have car payments, insurance and misc. expenses to pay every month and I can't be certain that a part-time job could pay my bills. Parents are no help and there's very little financial aid money for me. I've never been a fan of living in debt but I know I'd eventually get to that point. There's also no compromise with the schedule at my current job so it's basically full time with little to no job or like 2 classes at school with a guarenteed source of income.

my main objective right now is to get accepted into 1 of the 4 schools that I'm applying to so i'm leaning more towards full time right now. input would be 'preciated.

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lawless nothing stresses me more than financial insecurity i would go half time

but if you're okay with debt you should go ahead as it sounds like that's what you need in the long run

just don't fuck up your grades cause then you get the worst of both worlds i've been there/not pretty

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economics and no graphical calculators :confused::confused:

we do all the math stuff by hand. it's alright but a graphical calculator would help a lot and also would permit us to put the course in it !

the failure rate is approx 65% each semester, which is more than 75% on the 2 semester of the year. those who succeed either study all day and never go out, study a lot and are lucky (like they pass with 301/600) or are: chinese, norwegian, south american ... and usually older than us. there's far more foreigner in my lecture hall than french people.

and also it's basically free (i'm even paid 427€/months for my studies; but you have to be french and either poor/far away from home to have such financial aid).

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