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craigslist casual encounters has got to be filled with busted females, right? how can any 18-24 year old girl thats hot be unable to find guys to bang without using craigslist?

please tell stories.

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you can never get your girlfriend to love you as much as she loves trey songs

funny you mentioned him. i was listening to his mixtape earlier today


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tourists always help their friends back home buy stuff cos it's 50%+ more back home then it is here.

usually they're singaporeans, tawianese, Japanese, etc

they'd request seperate receipts and whatever they pay their friends would pay them back, no more no less.

today was the first time I had a customer (who got a bit of discount to help cover the sales tax since they're tourists) request that I give them the discount but do not show it on the receipt (meaning if the bag was 458$ for it to say 458$ not the discounted price)

it's something that I wouldn't do personally but I can sort of understand being Chinese, I hate to say it, but we are clever in thinking of ways to squeeze a dime outta a penny and when it comes to making money and stuff we can get pretty creative with the loopholes and what not.

sometimes it annoys me though how cheap they can be, understandable, but still irritates me.. especially if they ask more then once like after the tenth time I'm going to magically say YES.

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i used to enjoy saying no when they kept asking the same question but phrased differently as if i didnt understand, and then they would get all cute and baby talk and id tell them id put the price up if they did that again

is it normal for laptops to overheat if you work with them on your lap??

ah. i wish i could overcharge them and pocket the difference but unfortunately they are super into details.. they'll know for sure if i overcharge them and they know i can't ask for more then what its listed, why they think i can sell under..i don't know. i'm not a car salesman!! super picky customers they are, they'll comb over the product to make sure there is not a single dot on it thats not suppose to and that every thread is in place and if its leather...*shudder*

laptops get hot cos they don't have a fan as big as the one in your desktop cpu...it always got super hot in my lap if i use it for too long/have lots of programs running at once. its normal :)

sup allan?

zubin i love cider :{

theres this magnet on my fridge from 'another dancing bear prodouction' company that has a face with many different emotions expressed. came with a frame magnet that says "today i feel" on the border and you're suppose to place it over the expression. love it to bits.

i wonder if deep fried cheeseburger is any good. dammmmmmmn


looks good

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