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i come outside from school thinking it's gonna be a regular day, get picked up, go get some food, go home. man, was i fucking wrong. i come outside, and to my surprise there's no traffic, usually there's lots. then i see my mom's car very close to another car, and i see my mom talking to some white lady. then i see big ass scratch marks on the white ladies car and i immediately knew it was my mom's fault cause she's a complete fucking retard. so my mom tells me that there was a tight space between the white woman's car and another car and she saw 2 other cars go through so she thought it'd be smart to try it too.

mind you, my mom drives a big ass suv. FUCK ME! just kill me already.

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yo so serious, i must have been a really bad person in my past life because the shitty life i have no feels like i've suffering for something i've done wrong.

always a whiney teenager concept...

always an anonymous internet dude that thinks he knows the million other stresses that occur in my daily life concept.

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im talking to this one chick who seems pretty interesting. We're gonna go out this weekend. Here is commentary from one of her photos on facebook:

her girl friend- oooo sexy laaaady :) when can we have our sexual extravaganza with a hottie?

Her- XXXX, i mightve found one ;)


i will start my own thread with pics when it happens.

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damn julz!!! isn't there a key to your secret garden?

lurve, lots of it.

sup julz ;)

heyyyyyyyyyy zubin!! :P

super hot in columbus today and its not even summer yet....i loves hot weather.

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man, does anybody else think efukt.com is hilarious?

Zubin, you better bring the quality.

they are pretty cute.

wtf do you do with 2 girls? bang one while they lez out?

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trap sprung

look @ this babby whose never had an MFF threesome

not gonna lie, ive never really thought of 3somes before (always in a longterm relationship/loser concept)

stack them on top of each other like legos and hit em up with the Lincoln log.

I hope you're wrong enough to post some pictures of them NOW from facébük

shiiit, i would. but that is questionable. and what happens if i dont bang both of em? I know fo sho ill bang the one im talking to.

What if someone she knows lurks these boards? My name isnt necessarily a common name. If you know me IRL and saw me post here, youd def know its me

reputation_pos.gifSuperfuture Random... 05-20-09 09:34 PM XXXXXXX oh, you'll see, its gonna come by itself wink.gif

i hope not, that would be a pre-mature waste of excellence

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first person to vote wins:

a. cut out from work an hour early, avoid traffic, workout (but see only 2-3 hot girls)

b. load up some poker, leave work only 15 mins early, hit, traffic, workout (but see 10-15 hot girls)


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Holy shit. Normally i don't beast over furniture but that's insane. I think i'm in love. Where is the wings?

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Guest jmatsu
Well I have an interview for Tommy Hilfiger Friday, I just need a damn job right now so i'll take whatever.

if you don't get hired, you should call affirmative action (assuming canada has one or something similar). seriously.

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i dont get the end of suicide club

whats the connection between between dessert and the suicide club

that ending is on some 2001 shit

it was something like dessert used some subliminal shit to get everyone to commit suicide

i forgot, i watched it a long time ago

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