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fade to black2

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  redgrail said:
Remember the last Summer Olympics?



Do you watch basketball? If so, you know why this happened. Other countries are really good now but USA is still by far the best. Serves team USA basketball right for not practicing, running plays, gameplanning, scouting, assembling a proper team, or even trying from 98-2006. If they keep players together, keep actually working hard each summer, and take it really seriously, they shouldn't keep winning. It won't be a breeze, but then again, spain/argentina are really good and talented

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I went walking around the city some more

People watching with a cold blank stare

And I saw your face in everyone, I swear

Seems I never get your kick quite right

I was walking slow to a dirty dive

I'm so sick and tired tryin to change your mind

When it's so easy to disconnect mine..


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  redgrail said:

Because I remember an Argentina-Italy final.

We must have been watching different Olympics then.

Was yours in Athens? Mine was.


Because I remember a Spain-USA final.

We must have been in different fucking time zones then.

Was yours in Beijing? Last fucking year? Mine was.

USA won gold. Fucking idiot.

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  Egpt said:
japanese are awesome. i find it funny that the usa are never the best at any sport they love ahah. ok, they may be the best at american football, but i don't think anyone gives a fuck about that shitty sport outside of america.

I would venture to say that Japan (possibly korea), as a whole, loves baseball more than America. They seem to have a little more pride when other countries compete on an international stage. The average American probably was not aware that the WBC was going on. You saw the amount of Japanese fans there, even though it was in America. you should move there if they are soooooo awesome.

  Egpt said:
i find it funny that the usa are never the best at any sport they love ahah. .

you are a moron.

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  salaryman said:
why is everyone worried about fade to black...

this is like the 19th version of him on sufu,

he shows up, posts like a maniac for a while, kills a yohji fit or two, talks about whores in Asia, then has a breakdown and is gone again.



but yeah, fuck the world baseball classic.

you forgot the part where he bangs his cousin

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  Lab said:

Because I remember a Spain-USA final.

We must have been in different fucking time zones then.

Was yours in Beijing? Last fucking year? Mine was.

USA won gold. Fucking idiot.


smoke weed errday

chill da fuck out

sorry that something that happened five years ago still touches a sore nerve

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  ProfMonnitoff said:
'ur takin this 2 serious' is a cool argument when ur losing a debate 2 make ppl not notice!!


except not a debate.

us 3rd in Athens

won in Beijing.

been saying same shit all along.

ok now move along unless there's more nerd rage you need to unleash.

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  redgrail said:

Because I remember an Argentina-Italy final.

We must have been watching different Olympics then.

Was yours in Athens? Mine was.


probably typed hard as hell.

" i fucking just killed this dude"


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  dino might! said:
ive lost my favorite hoody and my binder for class in the same week and i am terribly distraught because of it :(:(:(:(:(:(:(

in 4th grade, i lost my trapper keeper and i still think about it.

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FiberOne has their own poptarts now. I kinda wanted to try it the other day for a quick breakfast while driving to work. I dunno though. I got skerred

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