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he wants the exact same shoes AgentJ bought a few months ago

speaking of which it looks like AgentJ is having a good time at Parsons because he doesn't post here anymore

too bad kodiak goes to community college in Chico or whatever

You're seriously stupid. Who cares if i want the same shoes AgentJ has? It's not like he's the only one to have them, you have some pretty similar shoes, so you have no room to talk.

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I don't know why I forced myself to eat that sandwich when I know I've been in bed all day sick.

I don't think it was the sandwich though. I had to sit with the lamest girl on campus - STORY TIME.

This is the story of "Hey Girl". Her name is actually Rachel, but no one calls her that unless its to her face due to the fact that she never bothers to learn anyone's name, so when she sees another girl she just says "Hey girl!" instead. Essentially, she is the most naive, annoying, soulless, boring, irate, irrationally lame, useless human being I've ever met. She must've been ridiculously sheltered before she came to college because she does not understand normal human interaction and for that, she sucks. Not because she's bad at it, but for the fact that she doesn't even bother to have any grasp of self-realization that she sucks so much. Beyond her personality, she's 4'10", and maybe 90 lbs. Not anorexic, just no body fat. She obsessively works out, and obsessively does anything. She can talk the paint off walls but never seems to say anything and uses personal pronouns far too much, like she has never had any experience that has allowed her to see beyond the tip of her nose. All in all, she is a non-human. She is probably the worst of the non-humans I've met here at school, but goddamn, this girl is gonna find herself one day and realize she is empty and without any substance. Unfortunate.

EDIT: I also don't even know her last name, which I'm more than happy to not know.

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Couldn't tell you. Don't think she's really good at anything. She's dumb as a stump.

still lookin for that pic. Gimme some more time and you'll see what I mean.

why the fuck does daniway have to make her way into every conversation in this forum?

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