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I need a slim pair of jeans as the daily grind until winter.

Samurai S0610LX or Pure Blue Japan xx-005?

Both are slubby, which I love. Sammy's have top notch construction, but I just love PBJ's denim.

I can get the xx-005's for around $180, but the Sammy's will end up being just a little over $300.

Which to buy?

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A: Flathead F380's

B: Samurai S710XX's (sized up)

C: Samurai S0500XX's

which should I choose?

looking for something that fits like APC rescues but higher quality denim.

Definitely Flatheads.

I need a slim pair of jeans as the daily grind until winter.

Samurai S0610LX or Pure Blue Japan xx-005?

Both are slubby, which I love. Sammy's have top notch construction, but I just love PBJ's denim.

I can get the xx-005's for around $180, but the Sammy's will end up being just a little over $300.

Which to buy?

So its decided, Pure Blue Japan's then?

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So its decided, Pure Blue Japan's then?

I love pbj's, but i also love sams, so this is hard for me. Pbj's are gonna be a bit more modern, thin, easy to wear, ect, while the sams are gonna be a little more repro ish (even though they are the low rise slim), the denim will be stiffer, they'll fade a little slower, ect. I would get the pbj's, but if you were looking for the qualities of a jean like the sams you may as well go with those.

Just get them pbj's.

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Skull 5010xx 6x6


Samurai 710


Flathead 1001

I'm pretty much looking for a skinny/very-slim fit, which as I understand is best done by the Skulls. I'm not entirely sold on the Samurai fit - the quality is great, but I dunno about that fit.

Don't know much about the Flathead aside from the fades... sorta worried these won't be slim enough.

I'm about 5'10", 140 lbs, with neither large thighs or legs.

Is there any other cuts from these or other brands that I should be considering? Or, if not, which one of these would you recommend?

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Jack, get the skulls. They have a really nice slim fit that sounds just like what you're looking for. Sams will be higher rise and looser in the thighs through the leg, and 1001's would simply be not slim enough to please you. You could check out somet. They make some really nice slim fit darted raws that fit pretty skinny and have a low rise. Diors and n(n)'s are also really fucking skinny but not that high quality. Just get the skulls.

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I was thinking of getting a pair of Eternal 811's but am turned off by diaper ass and big thigh looking type shit. It also seems like a few members have shelved theirs or considering it which is making me reconsider.

Could someone recommend me some alternatives, my price range is around $300? I'd like something slim and straight with a leg opening at 8" or maybe smaller. (If smaller would I need to go for a tapered jean?) I hardly go through this forum and am overwhelmed by the seemingly hundreds of different Samurai models and other shit to consider.

I'd like to buy from BiG, as I would want to go into the city to try on the jeans... but am not completely opposed to ordering a pair online from Self Edge. Wouldn't want to get into having to proxy and shit though.

Thanks in advance for the help.

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I was thinking of getting a pair of Eternal 811's but am turned off by diaper ass and big thigh looking type shit. It also seems like a few members have shelved theirs or considering it which is making me reconsider.

Could someone recommend me some alternatives, my price range is around $300? I'd like something slim and straight with a leg opening at 8" or maybe smaller. (If smaller would I need to go for a tapered jean?) I hardly go through this forum and am overwhelmed by the seemingly hundreds of different Samurai models and other shit to consider.

I'd like to buy from BiG, as I would want to go into the city to try on the jeans... but am not completely opposed to ordering a pair online from Self Edge. Wouldn't want to get into having to proxy and shit though.

Thanks in advance for the help.

How about pbj 005's or 007's? Sda 103's? Somet straight or slim fits? Samurai 710's? Evisu #1's?

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Thanks for the rec's guys. I like the looks of the Somet slims and Samurai 710's so far... The PBJ's look nice too but at my waist size i think I would need to get them tapered to a smaller leg opening i think.

I'll check these out in person in the next couple weeks.

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how is somet 008 sizing like? if im a 27 in DH MIJ 19cm, what should i be getting for somet 008?

And which of the Flathead models are the slimmer cut? I looked at F310, it looked pretty slim, but its with zipper. not really a fan of zippers :(

A 26 has a 29 inch waist. That is the same waist measurement of your 19cm sz 27 diors pre stretch. Theyre tight as fuck in the top block though, so you may need a 27 in the somets as well. As for flat heads, the 3001 is the slimmest fit they make. That cut is produced in the f310, 4001, and 1001. 1001´s dont have a zipper fly. They have heavier weight denim, as well, so its a win win. But, the flat head is going to release a new jean in a new fit in a couple of weeks that will be a tapered fit jean. If you want something slimmer than the 3001 fit but still want great denim, just wait for the new jawn. I´m sure you won´t be disapointed.

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Samurai S710XX/BK


Samurai S0610LX

I love my S5000BKs but I get this bulge under the knee which is kinda annoying. The S0610LX seems to be a good option as most of the measurements are the same except the hem. If you guys know any other pairs, please suggest them.


I would consider sizing down 1 or 2 one some s0500's a possibility if your skinny. They have a nice 2" taper from the knee down, a fuller thigh and seat than the s0610LX's, and Texas cotton like the s0610LX's.

The s0610LX's fit scares me. Way too skinny.

The 710's are just beautiful. If you don't need Texas cotton and want a heavier weight then just go for them. Just watch out what lot you get in regards to your waist size.

My 500's were a lot 10 and my waist pained for a whole day when it shouldn't have!

Hope that helps.

On another note.

Pure Blue Japan AI-001's or Oni Shoai's?

The Shoai's are a limited edition and the PBJ's are available year round.

Anyone want to chime in in which is best?

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1) FH f310

2) Skull 5010xx 6x6

3) Sam 710xx

something with a slim cut...

any other suggestions are welcome. :)

The flat head 1001's, 4001's, and f310's all have really nice denim and a nice slim cut that isn't skinny i'd say but just slim. The skulls are definitely slimmer but the denim is a bit different looking, and also has a really small top block. The sams are good if you want a higher rise slimish jean with some really great denim. I would suggest the skulls if you were looking for something more skinny than slim, though. Flat head is actually coming out wiht a new tapered jean wiithin the month so i'd wait and see those first. They sounds really nice

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1) PBJ xx-005bk

2) Samurai 710bk

3) Imperial dukes black.

i want a slimmer straight leg/ slight taper black jean. i bought some 19cms just to try out and my thighs are way too huge for them. i wear a 32 in NS. anything with around a 12in thih will fit me fine. i'm not sure about the higher rise on the imperials. and i wat some thing that will fade really fast

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1) PBJ xx-005bk

2) Samurai 710bk

3) Imperial dukes black.

i want a slimmer straight leg/ slight taper black jean. i bought some 19cms just to try out and my thighs are way too huge for them. i wear a 32 in NS. anything with around a 12in thih will fit me fine. i'm not sure about the higher rise on the imperials. and i wat some thing that will fade really fast

Most black jeans wont fade very quickly compared to their indigo counterparts. If you want a jean that is black but will fade as quickly as an indigo, get flat head 4001's. Your thighs may not fit, though. The pbj's have tiny thighs and arent tapered at all, so i wouldn't suggest them for you. The sams will have a fair amount of room in the thigh, a good slim fit, and a mediumish rise, so i would suggest that if you were looking for more of a slim jean as opposed to a skinny jean.

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