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ever get users mixed up?


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yeah, double_D, digital_denim, and denimdestroyedmylife confuse me.

showbiz00ditc and poly800rock

tweedles and poly800rock

ddml, digital_denim, double_d

red and england

notesee and seenmy

blues and oOmegaOo (jk)

Mr Calvin Oscar and Corbin Law (i think because someone called Corbin Law Mr. Corbin Law a couple times)

most of these don't really make sense...

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I think it's 'cause when I was lurking here, miz was making his own jeans and minya was making his own wallets.

I always thought minya was Asian too.

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and the trout squad. i get them mixed up with each other because theyre all cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sacks of monkey shits.

quoted for truth...

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  • 10 months later...
There's a user on here who only has like 8 posts whose username is literally my first name. That throws me off sometimes.

there are posters with:

my old username

my old password

my new password

my first name

as their usernames.

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  • 1 month later...

Klopek & kegan - for the longest time I thoght it was one person and wondered how he can drastically look different in waywt until they both posted something right after another.

Westside & onemancult - a long time ago I thought it was the same guy wondered why His personality could be so diferent at times. Talk about bipolar.

Cheep, cmf & cheapmotherfucker - I still think theyere the same person. Someone confirm if. True or not thnx.

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Cheep, cmf & cheapmotherfucker - I still think theyere the same person. Someone confirm if. True or not thnx.

they are different people. cheapmotherfucker left after hitting 5000 posts, i undestand the confusion though, as they both have long hair, smoke and have a similar taste in jordans

anyway i get red and carl confused a lot

i dont know why

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