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Hova In Samurai's?

sriracha hot sauce

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i stand by my comment. Jay-z doesn't have any fucking style. However, he has does have a shitload of cash. Look at him a few years ago, he was a full grown man in his thirties wearing retarded oversized throwback jerseys. And no, punk rock or rock for the most part doesn;t ruin things like hip hop does because they are not a musical art form where a large percentage of the time is spent talking/bragging/flaunting about material goods. So yes, it pisses me off when some one who is not stylish, but rather incredibly wealthy and has easy access to something i like, introduces said product that ive invested in, financially and emotionally, to thousands of equally unstylish people. I like hip hop and obviously my comment was generalized and flippant, but for the most part it has the potential to "ruin" some of the things that more informed people enjoy. thats it.

grow up and realize clothes are just clothes

and you are emotionally invested in your jeans???

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i dont really have any control over what jayz should or shouldnt be doing, im just saying I dont want him wearing them as he has the influence to make something incredibly popular and i don't like to wear popular things. Pretty simple. That's why i don;t shop at American Eagle or something. I'm not really concerned with being cool or being thought of as a douchebag though i can say that where i live no one recognizes or gives a shit about the clothing labels i wear, its a personal thing, so i guess you could say im concerned with my Myself thinking im a douchebag because im wearing the same jeans as jay-z
but you obviously do care about the labels you wear regardless if people recognize the brand or not. you said it yourself, you wont wear a brand that is considered 'popular' or 'trendy'. you are contradicting yourself
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i didnt contradict myself anywhere, i never said i didnt care about the brands i wore. in fact the whole point of my post was based on the fact that i did. i did however say that where i live no one ELSE cares about what i wear thus taking down cheaps assertion that i'm motivated by not wanting to look like im following a bandwagon set by some star.....so okay to that first statement

and to say that clothes are just clothes on a forum dedicated to fashion is pretty fucking retarded. if so, why the hell are you here?

and in regards to being emotionally invested in my jeans, well for lack of a better word, i am, and would probably say tons of people on this board are. as mush as it is possible to be invested in something material. ever have a favorite t-shirt? a pair of shoes you liked? thats an emotional attachment. so next time i'll use a thesaurus and find some word that's not so touchy feely.

all in all two pointless posts.

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the "streets" are not going to catch on to something that is not so easy to identify. Urban/hip-hop fashion is usually something loud/attention grabbing and can be seen from a mile away. Think about evisu or red monkey jeans, you can see the gulls or crazy dragons from down the street. You cant see the Samurai stitching unless you are pretty close. Especially in a big city, kids want to be seen, thats why all-over print hoodies and bright ass sneakers are the "hot" thing right now. I think history shows that "real" street fashion (not "streetwear") has rarely been about subtlety. i think your samurais will be safe.

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Guest StuckOnStupid
I dont want him wearing them as he has the influence to make something incredibly popular and i don't like to wear popular things.

you sound like such a fucking tool right there. seriously. it's astounding. you sound like one of those kids who starts hating his favorite musician once he actually releases a record, because other people now like him.

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"you sound like such a fucking tool right there. seriously. it's astounding. you sound like one of those kids who starts hating his favorite musician once he actually releases a record, because other people now like him."

Then I'm a fucking tool, fuck off and stop trying to be contrary. If you had something you liked alot and then suddenly, because some one famous had it, it became wildly popular and every asshole was wearing it, you'd be pissed. I'm not saying this is gunna happen with this and i agree that it almost certainly won't, but it was just a comment on the potential for hip hop stars to blow up and destroy certain things.

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How do people get a job as a stylist? Seems like most of us here know enough about fashion to be a celebrity stylist if he or she wanted.

I worked as an intern with a stylist quite some time ago and my god did it suck. Basically you start out lugging 400 tons of your clothes from shoot to shoot whilst blowing tons of your own money increasing your base wardrobe until finally you may get a job as the head stylist on some TV show pilot. There are exceptions, but the majority of the time it unfolds that way.

It is not that easy unfortunately........

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Then I'm a fucking tool, fuck off and stop trying to be contrary. If you had something you liked alot and then suddenly, because some one famous had it, it became wildly popular and every asshole was wearing it, you'd be pissed. I'm not saying this is gunna happen with this and i agree that it almost certainly won't, but it was just a comment on the potential for hip hop stars to blow up and destroy certain things.

Do you have brass knuckles in your back pocket?

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