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My daily ride

35's in the rear, 32's in the front and a new saddle. Comfy and fun


My other ride

new stem and switched out the drops for risers


My Merckx :D

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  selaviso said:
se draft is very heavy so i would just steer clear away from that.
  HonoluluStatus said:
I think they have a "lite" version of the SE draft now but still, you dont want to buy that bike.

I actually have a Draft in my closet that my g/f abandoned. The cranks fell apart after she put about 30-50 miles on it with a freewheel.

Damn, any suggestions into what i should buy then? Id ideally like to start riding within the month and id spend up to the cost of a SE draft, thats all i have atm untill i get more hours at work.

Thanks for the input btw

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Such as? Im a real noob with all the specs of bikes, ive never really thought about it till now, ive seen some fuji and GT bikes that are nice but way to expensive and unneeded imo, im not after anything flashy, just a decent fixie that i can add to every now and then :)

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  bchhun said:
^is that cinelli mash in the background? how do you like it for track racing?

That's not my Mash Cinelli and i'm not a track racer but i do have one and i did use it to race this day on the track.

I honestly can't say how i like it for track racing specifically. I run 48x18 so its not like i can really torque out the frame. Its fun, mad light, turns sharply with no toe overlap. But its super common (esp in NYC, limited to 800 frames world wide? yeah right) and every decent build looks exactly alike...except for mine ;)

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I stripped one of my rims with oven cleaner yesterday, and it worked pretty well! Off to get some aluminum polish to see how bright I can get it...

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I'll polish up the one, and take a photo of it next to the one I haven't started :)

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Hey everyone,

I've been trying to get a fixed together for a while but I have been in debt and I now finally have the money. A year ago or so I bought a very cheap conversion on a Univega Sportour frame, made of almost all old parts. As I was riding it a pedal fell off. It seems like the cranks are stripped. Now that I have money I'm looking into fixing it back up. I think I might as well buy new cranks, a chain, and a cog, but this is where I am clueless to what I should be looking into. What are some good parts I could buy? I already bought mks pedals+cages and have a pretty nice seat so I am good to go with that. I have around $500 but would prefer to spend as little as possible. I just want a bike to commute and get back in shape on.

I'm also considering just buying a complete to save the hassle of fixing back up this conversion. I looked on bikesdirect and am sort of overwhelmed. I'm consider the Windsor Hour because I have read that it has the best wheelset, and I think all of the bikes in my range are so similar I might as well get the hour and have money for parts.

What do you guys think?

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