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  knucks said:
Aw fck me that's too expensive for a handlebar. NEVERMINDDDDD

I have a plain aluminum one but its a 2" rise, i want 1"

dude go to your local bike shop and ask them. i got some bianchi flat black aluminum 1" risers for $10 bucks for my girl's bike and i got some steel ones for mine for $10 as well. most shops will have tons laying around

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  aaronS said:
dude go to your local bike shop and ask them. i got some bianchi flat black aluminum 1" risers for $10 bucks for my girl's bike and i got some steel ones for mine for $10 as well. most shops will have tons laying around

You also live a city that has a lot more bikes.

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flashy fixed gears are allright (i admit i own one). bmx's are better still...... but you can't beat a bike that cost you 60 bucks to build.


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  chingon said:
seriously, there is nothing more annoying / amateur than angles like that. Who does he think he is, fixed-Rodchenko? or maybe they belong on the cover or sport compact car? Those pics would be so nice if they had flat horizons.

But this is not the photo thread, so yes, the last photo is nice, and makes me wish I was in SF.

The dude is some high end race car photographer. He just rides a bike and likes the culture behind it. I don't know jack shit about photography but I think all the photos came out pretty good.

As far as the Answer bars they are like 60$.

Ken, don't ever buy anything from Freewheel, those guys will rip you off and laugh after you leave. Boxdog is where it's at.

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"The dude is some high end race car photographer."

makes sense. If It was shot with a fisheye, i would assume he was a skatephotog.

the sickest thing in that vid is the one leg over the bar skid/whip thing and somehow he manages to stall and backwards circle out, that's some shit right there.

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  sycamore no more said:
Fuck, Trackasaurusrex now HKfixed.

It's just real funny how my bike made all these blogs. What came out of what was suppose to be photos taken for personal viewing came out being something for everyone to see.

I went to hong kong for my brother's weddding. Met up the founder of HKFIXED (Brian). Awesome dude...got passion with fixed gear.

fixed.org.au its a forum of fixed gear in Aussie.

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  sycamore no more said:
Fuck, Trackasaurusrex now HKfixed.

It's just real funny how my bike made all these blogs. What came out of what was suppose to be photos taken for personal viewing came out being something for everyone to see.

shut up. you know you're loving it. i'm sure kyle posted it since his photos are legit, not just because of your bike.

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  chingon said:
they fit bigger than you think... I learned the hard way and had to flip my remington and find another... If you think you need a 58, I would say get a 56.... imo

fuuuuck! dont tell me that man!! what size was your reminton? also, any pics of the lug-work etc? i've been searching for ages for a larger remi. i hate you, kinda.

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i don't know why but i'm not super njs crazy. im more of a new school guy

i want a cinelli vigorelli so bad...


its the vigorelli or a cannondale track for me. going to trade the rush hour in soon. bikes are worse than clothes, worse than crack. i gave up dior homme for this shit

some cool new bike pics on my blog. take a peek if these fires have you as bored as me. no school, hardly any work and i can't even ride my bike

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