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haven't been able to do anything to it in a year or so. hopefully will have some money by spring to fix it up. right now it's wearing a bertelli raw frame & fork, weinmann front wheel, velocity rear. campy vintage pedals & clips, nitto bars and just some random piece.




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Is it comfortable riding with those bars?
i like those bars! they just need some bartape and theyd be beautiful
i don't like drop bars with tape. the only time i like tape at all is if it's white on straight or bull bars. or brown, depending on the colors of the other components.
Those Bertelli frames look ace. I considered hard on buying one but he doesn't make one smaller than a 54 top tube. How does it ride?
don't get one. the dude's an asshole. he sent me this, and when i asked him why he would send me a frame with such shitty work he never replied. i sent him 3 emails with these pics and yeah, heard nothing from him. stick with a viking or a classic alien since they're pretty much the same builds just differently sized.


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Hey guys, sorry for this plug for myself, but figured might as well just incase.

This is for the people in Northern California mainly. Damn.

My bike got stolen today from my garage:

NJS Panasonic Track 49cm. Teal.


Frameset: Panasonic NJS

Stem: Pearl 9

Handlebars: Nitto B123AA

Seatpost: Nitto NJ SP72

Saddle: San Marco Rolls

Cranks: Sugino 75 165mm

Chainring: Sugino 75 46T

Chain: HKK Vertex

Pedals: MKS Royal Nuevos

Clips: MKS Aluminum

Straps: Kashimax Double

Rims: iMiNUSD iD42 wheelset

Hubs: Suzue Pro Max

Everythings the same way when I first built it up.

LOCATION: Stockton. (This makes me dislike this city even more, gah)

or e-mail though phone is faster? [email protected]

Good news and bad news!

Good news: Found the bike! Interesting story if anyone's interested.

Bad news: I have to sell it for now. =/

If anyone's interested in the Bay Area let me know, sorry for the shameless plug, but trying to get this out there because I have to sell fast before I move. =[

Here's the update on what it looks like now:


The people who stole it swapped out the handlebars to some crappy stuff, and also removed the cages + straps.

Let me know if you're interested via PM?

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^- TL;DR version scroll to bottom of this post

Was just driving back home after a late night meeting at school. When I turned into my main street near my house I just saw a bike and these are the thoughts that went through my head:

"Oh, cool a bike.... Oh nice, it has one of those reflector tires, I had one of those... Man that's a nice bike... it even has white letters where my bike had white letters (the Panasonic on the down tube is pretty reflective now that I realized it)"... then it hit me that that was my bike. So I continued my turn normally and did a U-turn around the block so it wouldn't catch attention since it would've been an illegal u-turn. After I found him again, I called cops and just trailed as far away as possible without being obvious even though I would've been freaked out if a car is going super slow behind me. I just kept talking to the dispatcher as to where we were and our headings. I followed the guy for about 1.5 miles before the police finally caught up. They never let him see me and vice versa. But they especially didn't let me see the bike at first and asked me to provide as much proof as possible to claim it as mine.

I told them all the details of it, like the Japanese markings, warning labels, brands that all the parts were. But they really wanted the serial number so I had to drive home and find the paper that had it and after they gave it back to me instantly. The cops later told me that they needed to file another report because the guy called in to file a complaint that, as the police told me, "the police took my bike from him." but we all laughed about it.

TL;DR: Saw the guy riding my bike, followed him from a distance for about 1.5 miles before the police caught up. Police asked me to describe bike with as much detail as possible and provide the serial number. I got the bike back within 30 minutes.

Tips: Write down as much information about your bike as possible especially the serial number.

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^ ditto i'm interested in hearing the story. and omfg that bike is beautiful (my size too). wish you had posted that a couple weeks ago when i had the $$ from my claim :(

Thanks and yeah, I never really thought about posting until last night. =[ I saw your check for the bodily damages thing. I had one of those a bout a year and two months ago as well. Was going straight through an intersection at like ~5mph and some dude made a right turn into me and I had a pleasant flight over the hood of his car. No damages to the bike at the time, but had one of those, "Release all liabilities by accepting our $$$$" checks too haha. Ride safe.

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Look at these bikes I just found on ebay. LOOK AT THEM!

They're both awesome but in totally different ways



If this one were a bigger frame I would jump all over it. CHROME LUGZ




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Spent hour on trainer first time in a while on a different bike. My backs killing me. Is it because Im not using the front wheel block bullshit or bad fit? When I ride normally alls good.

What kinna trainer? Mag or fluid?

Two reasons, fit and that you're not movin around that much. Hundred bucks or so ain't nothin for a fit sess if you're not the princess-and-the-pea super Merckx high-miles roadie already.

A block for your front wheel would help, but really, don't forget to stand up, air out, and stretch your back over your session. You could be riding a lot harder on the trainer than you do on the road as well, and of course mag trainers suck.

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Shameless plug.

Selling some shit on the Bay and thought I would give a heads up to you guys. I will either ship for free or give a deep discount depending on the final price.


LOLZ @ being a fucking idiot and not posting links (>.<..)

Nitto B123AA NJS 36 CM Nitto YOUNG stem Soyo grips(used):



NITTO RB021 bullhorns 42.0 (used):rb0211.jpg


MKS chain tensioners tugs for 120mm track frames NJS (NEW):



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