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its usually a good idea to get a new bb when you get new cranks unless you're replacing them with the same type. i run 75s and campys on the campy veloce sealed bb and its pretty cheap at ~$35 and have a good longevity.

i wouldn't get the 75 bb unless you're riding in good weather all the time or don't want to be repacking it every few months.

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you want to wipe the bike down, everywhere. you can use a degreaser, bike polish, diluted simple green, or whatever cleaner (just make sure its not caustic like brake cleaner). then you will want to lubricate some parts of the bike with liquid lube, but since its a fixed gear its pretty simple. obviously the chain, brake lever hinge, brake cables, brakes, derailleurs (if you have them). those are the basics. If you ride in the rain a lot, you will want to take out the bb once and a while to clean it out and re-grease, and mayb the headset too. pretty simple besides that.

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Just got some sugino 75's to replace my messengers, and was wondering if i should replace my bottom bracket as well. Talked to a person at a bike shop and she was suggesting i get the 75 bb as well to not mess up the cranks. Was she just trying to sell me the bb too or is this true?

Doesn't the RD cranks use a 103mm bb, while the 75s run a 109?

If you want a cheap BB, just get a 108 Shimano bb from Benscycle, it's like $30.00 and I've run one in my Brooklyn for around 4 months now without having it re packed, even after miserable weather.

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craigslist find of the month:

campy atlanta laced to da road hub, front wheel....$50.

i'm going to pick it up tomorrow, i dont know what i'm going to do with it yet. i'm debating building up another bike, all i need is a frameset, i've got 2 or 3 of everything else laying around. anybody have the alien frame yet?

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Doesn't the RD cranks use a 103mm bb, while the 75s run a 109?

If you want a cheap BB, just get a 108 Shimano bb from Benscycle, it's like $30.00 and I've run one in my Brooklyn for around 4 months now without having it re packed, even after miserable weather.

That's good, cause it'd probably be pretty hard to repack a sealed bottom bracket. ;)

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Doesn't the RD cranks use a 103mm bb, while the 75s run a 109?

If you want a cheap BB, just get a 108 Shimano bb from Benscycle, it's like $30.00 and I've run one in my Brooklyn for around 4 months now without having it re packed, even after miserable weather.

those shimano cartridge bbs are shit. i used to run those all the time and went through like one a year. how do you repack a catridge bb? ;)

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any good websites telling you a indepth how-to wash your bike?

(p.s. are you supposed to clean your bike after you ride in the rain?)


Belgium Knee Warmers blog "the art of the bike wash."

Course, that's for cross racers. When racing cross, those that have sponsorship or the money for two bikes race two bikes and swap every lap, because mud packs up into EVERYTHING.

Normal people rain procedure should be to wipe the chain, drivetrain, and rims (if using brakes) while they are still wet, and relube the chain prior to riding the bike again. DONE.

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Somebody stole my IRO on Sunday when I left it infront of my APT door and accidentally fell asleep....My apt isn't viewable from the road and its in a family community so I didn't really think much of it. I woke up Monday and get ready to head to work on my commuter and hey its not there! Awesome right?

I figured theres a small chance they would try to hock it on craigsilst so I've been checking furiously every day. Today, approximately 5 hours ago, I see an IRO ad. Nobody in my town owns a fucking Iro. It must be mine...I click, and its my fucking bike.

I have a phone number and cross street. They aren't answering their phone after giving me a number to call. Im going to keep trying tomorrow. As soon as they answer I'm going to offer what every the want and show up with the cops.

Stay tuned....

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Somebody stole my IRO on Sunday when I left it infront of my APT door and accidentally fell asleep....My apt isn't viewable from the road and its in a family community so I didn't really think much of it. I woke up Monday and get ready to head to work on my commuter and hey its not there! Awesome right?

I figured theres a small chance they would try to hock it on craigsilst so I've been checking furiously every day. Today, approximately 5 hours ago, I see an IRO ad. Nobody in my town owns a fucking Iro. It must be mine...I click, and its my fucking bike.

I have a phone number and cross street. They aren't answering their phone after giving me a number to call. Im going to keep trying tomorrow. As soon as they answer I'm going to offer what every the want and show up with the cops.

Stay tuned....


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that's terrible!


I sat with my cursor in the reply box for 2 or 3 minutes but I couldn't bring myself to do it...it had to be done though...thanks for manning up.

In all seriousness though, that sucks, and I hope you get your bike back...being without transportation is all kinds of fucked. You are pretty lucky to be in an area small enough and with thieves foolish enough to be able to find your stolen gear just by trolling craigslist. Spending the last 5 years in Oakland taught me that when its gone, its gone, for good. If your bike isn't in your house (not garage) behind locked doors, one krypto evolution lock is the bare minimum.

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Now, I get what you were trying to do there...but I wish you would have just paraphrased instead of tricking me into spending 35 minutes reading a thread with the least intriguing conclusion ever.

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